Fixed Mindset v.s Growth Mindset
KN: Kyle Nail
LK: Liam Kiss
KN: Who, at 30 years old was left depressed after he was uncerimonily removed from the company he started, Steve Jobs. Who was cut from he high school basketball team because of "lack of skill", Michael Jordan. What do both of these people who faced tremendous failures have in common? Growth Mindset. A Growth Mindset allows us to improve ourselves in skills we thought we could never have. Our Intelligence and talents are not fixed, with work, learn to do anything.
LK: People always complain about work they have to do. So today I come with a solution, be happy with what you have been born with and don't try to improve yourself. Growth Mindset may make you better but it requires so much work. Who you are is fine, don't give into the pressure of people telling you you need to be better.
KN: My research shows my opponents claims are invalid. Training your brain can be as easy as doing a little reading every day or taking a few more shots in the driveway. Also, it has shown that people with a fixed mindset back away from challenges. They see challenges as pass/fail events, and not a way to improve themselves like people with a growth mindset do. People who think that their talents are fixed can become oriented on preserving these talents than developing new ones. People with a fixed mindset commonly say negative things about themselves, which can lead to poor self esteem. While people with a Growth Mindset put a positive spin on things which can give them a higher level of confidence.
LK: I don't agree with you on that. I think Growth Mindset still puts people in a place where they feel tht they are never good enough. That they always have to improve. I think that can lead to a even bigger lack of self esteem than thinking that they aren't good enough. Maybe people with a Growth Mindset don't care how they are being judged but that can be a negative thing as well. When people with a fixed mindset think they are being judged they take it into consideration and don't let them selves get out of control.
KN: I have to say i tink you are one hundred percent wrong. When people care how they are judged they try to change themselves into someone that they are not. This can lead to probably the biggest lack of self respect that there is, to not like who you are on the inside. Plus I think that try to improve yourself is better than not trying at all. Trying to improve yourself doesn't make you feel bad about yourself, because when you make you can admire all the work you put in. People with a fixed mindset deflect criticism because they think it will take away their fixed talents. People with a Growth Mindset embrace criticism because they now it will make them better. They feel threatened by the succes of others instead of celebrating. Although not all hope is lost for those of the Fixed Mindset they need to achive a Growth Mindset to truely exprerience life.
Who Won?
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Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in fauci-bus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras et eros convallis risus ullam-corper aliquam at in odio. Quisque vitae rutrum mi. Aliquam ac erat at neque accumsan tristique. Praesent id tempor nisl. Curabitur sed nulla at magna venen-atis cursus vitae nec tortor. Maecenas elit nunc, porttitor non tincidunt nec, sceler-isque vel dolor. Suspendisse consectetur mauris vitae odio semper euismod. Curabitur in enim augue.
Aliquam erat at
Nunc odio massa, sodales et consectetur a iaculis eget sapien. Mauris dignissim, arcu id faucibus laoreet, justo tortor imperdiet tellus, et egestas quam velit
ac ligula. Mauris quam dolor, cursus at porta et, luctus eget purus. Nunc tempor luctus interdum. Duis libero leo, conse-quat ut accumsan eu, viverra et erat.
Jamie White
Marketing&Advertising Expert