April 15-17
GSV/ASU Education
Innovation Summit
Scottsdale, AZ
MIND’s co-founder and COO,
Dr. Matthew Peterson, gave a
presentation entitled “Neuro to
Hero: How Brain Research is
About to Drive the Learning Train”.
GSV/ASU Education
Innovation Summit
MIND’s diversity
partnerships manager,
Maria Cervantes, was Maria Cervantes, 2013 Fun and Fearless
Latina Award Recipient
one of 12 individuals
in the Latin community to be recognized by Cosmopolitan
for Latinas for making outstanding strides in her field.
April 17-20
National Council of
Teachers of
Denver, CO
Erich Zeller, MIND’s
Senior Content
Erich Zeller presenting on
Specialist, Professional
building student visual schemas.
Development, provided
a hand-on demonstration entitled “Building Student Visual
Schema for Solving Word Problems” at MIND’s booth.
May 1-2
Anaheim, CA
MIND hosted a booth
at the inaugural B4B
conference. There
we met individuals
and organizations
Student experiences a hands-on ST Math
featuring touch demonstration.
interested in partnering
with MIND to bridge
the country’s math achievement gap and develop the next
generation of business leaders.
May 22
LA STEM Symposium
Los Angeles, CA
Nigel Nisbet, MIND’s
Director of Content
Creation, participated
on a panel regarding
working with innovative
nonprofit partners
in STEM.
May 22
Cosmo For Latinas
Fun Fearless
Latina Awards
New York, NY
June 17-19
US News and
World Report
STEM Solutions
Austin, TX
Dr. Matthew Peterson,
Walter Rodriguez of Hyundai
MIND’s co-founder
with Dr. Matthew Peterson
and COO, was featured
on a panel about blended learning, flipped classrooms and
other innovative teaching techniques. Additionally, Hyundai
presented a check to MIND at a press conference on-site.
July 15
CME Group
Early Childhood
Chicago, IL
Andrew Coulson, MIND’s Chief Strategist
Andrew Coulson,
and Vice President of Product Management
MIND’s Chief
Strategist and VP of Product Management, presented
about the importance of blended learning for early
childhood education.
Nigel Nisbet,
MIND’s Director of Content Creation