Mind and Body Health | Page 4

plants but I would then really pull out what the architecture and the mathematics were in the structure of the plants to sort of to show, quietly, that these things have existed in nature for millennia and we learn from nature.

"A Coral Series" by Francie Randolph

So when I created the first

Ag Fair with Dave and Stephany, my two farmer friends, I did so because the economy had kind of tanked and when the economy tanked I had a whole bunch of design and art jobs that got put on hold, so I thought, ‘Okay, this is a perfect time to put my energies into making an Agricultural Fair for Truro’s tricentennial.” It was Truro’s 300th birthday and I thought an Ag Fair would be a great event; I had lived on the Vineyard in the summers and they had a great Agricultural Fair there and we didn’t have anything like that here so I thought, “Well I’ll just make one.” Then when I made it, with its primary mission being to educate about the health of our bodies, community and environment through the celebration of local food, I was pleasantly taken back when I saw people respond to it the way they did. All different kinds of people came, from all different kinds of socioeconomic backgrounds and everybody had fun and talked to each other. At the Ag Fair, you get a feeling of euphoria from everyone celebrating together under the same common cause; that is the feeling that I will believe will change the world.

Why is the aspect of education so important for you?

Image from the Sustainable

Cape Website

I believe that the way to change behavior is to educate and encourage people to make changes in their life. I also think that the trajectory that our country is on regarding its food production is a very unhealthy course and results in a tremendous amount of health care problems, a large number of people have still not connected the fact that preventative health exists through food. What you eat and put into your body is a fundamental building block for yourself and can either cause health or disease and I believe the more people that educate about this concept, the more we can not only take care of the health of our bodies but it will create healthier communities.