Mind and Body Health | Page 31

How many different aids have you had work for you over the years?

I’ve had about 3 other girls that used to work here before everyone who works here now. Your mom, tony, and jamie have all been working for me for the past year and a half, you just started about 9 months ago so. So that’s about 7 not including the nurse who comes in for the checks.

Have you ever had a PCA that you didn’t really get along with?

No all the people that have worked in here for me have honestly been such great people I don’t really think Granite State [Independent Living] would hire anybody that wouldn’t want to work for them. I’ve never had anybody complain about the way I want certain things done, I know that I’m a pain sometimes with my routine but I like to have to have it, it makes my day a whole lot easier.

What do you think is your favorite part of the day?

My favorite part of the day is usually when your mom is coming in in the morning and sometimes I even get to see you for the morning shift then it’s a really good day. I spend most of my time with you guys here besides the few hours here and there between all of your different shifts. It’s a nice balance I get though between having alone time for myself but still having you guys come in and give me a little human interaction.

Granite State Independent Living (GSIL) is the company that I work for. They are a nonprofit organization. The organization was started in 1980 by four people with disabilities themselves. [Source]

Do you get visitors often here?

No I don't. Sadly most people my age are in the same boat as me. Maybe if they're lucky then they're in a boat far away from me in a big ocean somewhere.

Is there ever days where you have to break away from your normal schedule?

Well yeah of course. I can’t live the exact same day everyday. My schedule is slightly different when the nurse comes in, but on days where I have people come visit me it can get stressful.