Mind and Body Health | Page 30

Ask Me About My Day

I've been working for a company called Granite State Independent Living for almost a year. What they do is train people similarly to LNA’s, and they take care of older or disabled people. This is so they can still be comfortable in their own homes and not have to go into a nursing home. One gentleman that I work for was delighted when he was going to be interviewed. I can’t share much about him or his identity, but read on to find out about his everyday life:

Where are you from and how long have you been living in the area?

I’ve been living in New Hampshire for about 17 years now, but before that I traveled a lot and didn’t really settle down in one place for too long. I like jumping from place to place and seeing different things and meeting a bunch of people. I really just enjoyed putting myself out there. New Hampshire’s a beautiful place though I’m glad that I’ve chosen to stay here. This has been the one place that I've stayed the most time in.

Have you always had PCA’s come in, or were you ever in a nursing home?

No when I realized that I needed some extra help around this place, I got helpers as soon as I could. So I’ve never had to be in a nursing home, I’d like to think I’m still pretty young. I hope that I can continue to have you guys as helpers. Nursing home’s just not the place that I see myself at. A buddy of mine that used to live down the street here, his kids flew him out to where they live in the Midwest to put him in a nursing home, I’m sure he hates it. I just like being in my own house and have my own things with a daily relaxing schedule.

By: Mariah Ramsay

There's this called the happiness effect. It's when you go out of your way to make someone happy and in return you yourself will start to feel happier. I can attest that this is true. My job is much than a job for me. It brings me a lot of joy knowing that I put a smile on his face when I come in for work. [Source]