Mind and Body Health | Page 23

that more and more children are being diagnosed with dairy allergies and intolerances in recent years. Those who do not meet their daily requirements of this nutrient have a higher risk of brittle bones, stunted bone growth as well as osteoporosis in their later life (Ireland, Kay).

Although high cholesterol and sodium levels are not safe for the body, many people may not be fazed by simply reading these facts; however, the most known result of eating junk food is weight gain. Appearance is something we all think about, some of us more than others, but nonetheless, we all do. Whether it is wanting to get rid of bad acne, shedding those last few pounds, or even gaining a few more pounds, everyone has some sort of vanity insecurity on their mind. And according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, “an obese adolescent has an 80 percent chance of becoming an obese adult, which raises long-term risks of heart disease, diabetes and sleep problems.” When a child has gained excess weight during adolescent years, it does not simply go away or “stretch out” after growth spurts, which then leads to a child entering their teenage years obese. The danger of entering your teen years obese is that it has been proven that overweight teenagers are more likely to have greater emotional difficulties and lower self-esteem which can have a dangerous impact on a child’s well-being. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

“Twenty one percent of teens in the United States are Obese, up from five percent in 1980.”

Refer to the chart above for a visual of the obesity levels in six to twelve year olds from the years 1978 to 2004. In America, sweet desserts and soda are the top two sources of calories in a teenagers diet, this being the culprit of the increase in childhood obesity.

One may ask themselves, “but young people still have a fast metabolism, so does it really

matter if the food they eat is unhealthy?” Your metabolism is a series of processes in each cell that turns the calories ingested into fuel to keep you alive. People speak of metabolic rate as if it is something that we can manipulate, but the truth is that we cannot control it. In addition, it should be understood that metabolism varies greatly between people, so although children tend to have a higher metabolism than adults, the rates still vary greatly between families. For example, one child may be able to eat a large meal and not gain weight while another child from a different family can eat the same meal and gain weight. Researchers do not yet understand why metabolism varies so greatly between families, but understand that it is evident.

Aside from internal and physical declines, leading an unhealthy diet is also shown to affect concentration and performance in school. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Students who practice unhealthy eating are more likely to receive poor grades, get low test scores and pursue less education.” The temporary “sugar high” that one experiences after the consumption of junk food is a false feeling of energy caused by the refined nature of the food. Having a substantial amount of these “sugar highs” will most likely lead to a hyperactivity disorder which causes a lack of focus and concentration on simple tasks (Ireland, Kay).

Luckily, the negative effects caused by junk food that we experience can be improved by a change in your habits. So in order to help improve a child’s eating habits, start by making small changes to their diet, such as swapping sugary drinks for water or seltzer flavored with citrus slices or keeping healthy snacks readily available so the unhealthy ones are less tempting. By choosing foods made from complex nutrients, the body breaks down the food slower, releasing a more steady supply of energy through metabolic rate, allowing one to retain more energy and have greater concentration at school or work.

unhealthy?” Your metabolism is a series of processes in each cell that turns the calories ingested into fuel to keep you alive. People speak of metabolic rate as if it is something that we can manipulate, but the truth is that we cannot control it. In addition, it should be understood that metabolism varies greatly between people, so although children tend to have a higher metabolism than adults, the rates still vary greatly between families. For example, one child may be able to eat a large meal and not gain weight while another child from a different family can eat the same meal and gain weight. Researchers do not yet understand why metabolism varies so greatly between families, but understand that it is evident.