Mind and Body Health | Page 16

For years I watched

The excitement on your face

As you scooped a bowl of

Ice cream every evening

I forever hold the stains

Of all your favored foods

From the celebratory hours

And moments of grief

Although no matter the occasion

I sat snug around your stomach

Strained around your shoulders

And felt the happiness

That consumed you

Until one day your breakfast

Turned to morning runs

Lunch with your girlfriends

Was replaced with schoolwork

Your love for cookies shifted

To a love for cooking

Providing for anyone and everyone

Though never yourself

Your presence beside the oven

Was your only disguise

Oblivion among all except I

During family dinner I now

Hung loosely from your shoulders

Hearing your hollow stomach

Beg and cry

You cut your food

Into great capacity

And would nudge them to the side

To appear as nothing more than

The scraps of the food that guilt's you

Subsequent your dinner we make

Our customary trip to the bathroom

Where I become forced

To press against the loo

Listening to the treacherous noise

That you believe

Is making you beautiful

And trying your best

To muffle the sounds

By running the faucet

But with each tummy rumble

And tummy grumble I hear

You believe you are becoming

Your superior self

When in reality you are

Dismantling the happy girl

Who used to squeeze inside

This size small shirt

Into the tired stranger who now

Floats inside my seams

With each pound

Leaves another past enjoyment

Another childhood friend

And another piece of precious life

All fading like a distant memory

Favorite T-Shirt

By, Eva Kuchinsky