Mind and Body Health | Page 12

This is where your personal fortitude gets tested and you remember why you're doing this in the first place, it is very humbling to know that you can save someone's life whenever the time comes.


Throughout our interview, I kept thinking to myself how astonishing it must be to have the career Alanzo chose. He told me that it is not often that he goes home without some sort of fluid on his uniform and that most of his days he spends yawning and extremely tired from a shift the day prior. I began to imagine just how difficult it must be to function and remember every single part of your training when you have been awake on long shifts for so long without sleep. But out of everything he finds difficult, he says that the hardest thing about the job is that EMTs cannot save every patient they respond to. Battling guilt from telling a family member of a deceased patient is tough he says and that it is very easy to get depressed or resentful. Yet, Alanzo keeps a positive attitude and remains levelheaded by reminding himself of the rewarding feeling it is to save someone's life and that he is fulfilling his dream of finally being able to help others. “As first responders, our passion is to see people in their lowest points of life and being able to help and comfort them in the middle of an intense struggle”, Alanzo is not only my best friend but also my inspiration for his hard work and dedication to others.