Mind and Body Health | Page 11

what are your other career goals if becoming an EMT doesn't work?

After receiving a certification as an EMT you are able to select many career paths such as a paramedic or a firefighter. If becoming an EMT does not work I think I would look into firefighting, that has also been something I was thought maybe one day I would like to put my focus on. Being a firefighter you are saving still saving someone's life, property, and putting out a potential fire, Being a first responder is all look for.

Does the job always stay the same or is every call different?

Every call is different, you never know what kind of situation will come up next, the job rarely ever gets boring and at times you find yourself so busy you find yourself losing sleep on long shifts, and even not having the time to eat or use the restroom only thing that remains the same is the paperwork, charting all the information on the patient and what they claim can be tedious.

How does an EMT maintain professional and calm demeanor when seeing blood or a

graphic injuries?

Being an EMT it's important,to keep integrity and respect for your patients. You always need to remember that you have been thoroughly trained to handle these types of scenarios. You must set your own feelings and emotions aside and focus on the patient more and making sure you don't end up making the situation even more stressful than it needs to be. You need to assure them that they are in safe hands, and you are doing as much as you can to help them.