For over 10 years Glen has been a Senior Instructor for Mobius Institute . The team at MDI operate vibration analysis programs for over 100 clients throughout the United States . MDI and Glen have served countless industries using reliability technologies to solve problems . Glen has instructed hundreds of participants in topics including vibration analysis , component failure analysis , dynamic balancing , shaft alignment , wired and wireless vibration monitoring and more .
Since 2011 , Matt has served as 4X Diagnostics ’ Field Operation Manager , based in Rochester , NY , providing vibration consulting , testing & analysis , and training & mentoring services for many industries throughout the US . Matt is a certified Category III Vibration Analyst and is skilled in advanced diagnostic test measurement and analysis , vibration data collection on rotating machinery , acceptance testing , resonance testing , precision balancing , floor vibration studies , route-based vibration programs , Operational Deflection Shape ( ODS ) studies , Modal analysis testing , noise studies and Motion Amplification .
Ron is a MIBoC ( Mobius Institute Board of Certification ) CAT IV Vibration Analyst , accredited BS Mechanical Engineering Technology , and has been involved in machinery vibration and acoustics for 40 + years . Ron has worked in a variety of roles gaining intimate knowledge of dynamic balancing applications , sound and vibration measurement , along with laser shaft alignment and condition monitoring solutions . Throughout his career , he has provided formal training seminars and workshops . Currently , as the principal of NAVAJO Technical , Ron acts as a Senior Mobius Instructor for ISO CAT I , CAT II , and CAT III Vibration Analysis courses in Canada , and throughout North America .
www . mobiusinstitute . com |
learn @ mobiusinstitute . com
North America : + 1 ( 239 ) 600-6828
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