Min Drift og Vedlikehold 2/2018 | Page 57

NR . 2 - 2018

Nedenfor presenteres en status for en komité som arbeider med en fremtidig standard innnen Maintenance Engineering . Dette er WG 14 i TC 319 .

DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW STANDARD FOR MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING The work on a European Standard for maintenance engineering started in 2017 under the umbrella of committee CEN / TC 319 Maintenance . The aim is to describe and promote maintenance engineering within the field of maintenance .

Why a standard for maintenance engineering ? The right focus of maintenance engineering will contribute to optimized profit , increased uptime and improvement of health , safety and environment . Maintenance engineering supports the asset management strategies and is defined as a engineering discipline developing and applying methods , tools and techniques to influence design and to assure that an item is in a state in which it can perform its required functions in a safe , sustainable and cost-effective manner throughout the life cycle [ Source : Draft standard , September 2018 ]

There are no standards covering the subject , and the work will support the system of European standards within maintenance .

Target group The main target group of the standard is personnel involved in design , procurement , construction , operation , improvement , maintenance and retirement ( decommissioning ) of items and physical assets . Relevant both for private and public sector and independent of the size of the organization .

Scope of work The Standard aims to cover

• generic principles , criteria and contents of maintenance engineering

• all life cycle stages

• methods and techniques to maintain and improve the function of items

• maintenance engineering contribution to assure the required integrity , safety , reliability and maintainability to achieve a sustainable balance between performance , risk and costs

A draft table of contents is shown on the next page .

Progress and meetings During the first year of development , the working group has agreed on a definition of maintenance engineering , aspects and scope of maintenance engineering and made a draft standard and flowchart . Six meetings have been held and the next meetings are planned for October 2018 , and February + June 2019 .