30 MiMfg Magazine October 2020
Premium Associate Member
Cyber Security Horror Stories
The digital world is a spooky place . Cyber criminals are lurking in every corner just waiting for the opportune time to make their move .
Watch a two-part series of Cyber Security Horror Stories by MMA ’ s endorsed provider of cyber security solutions , ASK . These aren ’ t made up , “ what if ” scenarios ; these are real security incidents the ASK enhanced security team has seen in real life . You ’ ll hear about the cascading effects the incidents had on the people and businesses targeted , so you can learn the true impact it has on a business .
Watch Part 1 at right and sign up for Part 2 on 10 / 20 / 20 at justask . net . 6 https :// youtu . be / XovrEGQo60A
Watch Part 1 of ASK ’ s “ Cyber Security Horror Stories ” webinar series and sign up for Part 2 at justask . net .
Don ’ t Be the Next Cyber Security Horror Story
Cyber crime can be one of the single largest threats to your business and many manufacturers remain ill-prepared to face it . When it comes to defending your company against hackers , your solutions need to be proactive versus reactive . Proactive solutions eliminate threats before you even know about them . Reactive solutions slap a bandage on a much bigger problem . Don ’ t ignore a threat just because you can ’ t see it .
Cyber-attacks are not a matter of if , but when . When it happens to you , will you be ready ? If your answer is no , ASK can help you turn it into a yes . Protect your business , your employees and your customers with MMA Cyber Threat Protection , powered by ASK .
ASK ’ s comprehensive technology and cyber security solutions help members stay protected from the daily threats that endanger their businesses — plus an exclusive 10 percent discount off standard pricing on all ASK solutions , including :
• Live Security Monitoring
• Detect and Respond
• Threat intelligence
• Security risk assessments
• Targeted phishing campaigns
• Password audits
See mimfg . org to sign up or contact MMA ’ s Brenda Nalett , at 517-487-8512 or nalett @ mimfg . org , for more information about this or any MMA member service . 6
Several years ago ransomware that hit a utility company in the area , the same exact one hit us . ASK was watching over us with 24 / 7 monitoring and we were able to thwart that attack and we only lost four hours ’ worth of work . We never paid the ransom . We were back to work the next day .
Phil Sponsler • Orbitform