MiMfg Magazine Jul/Aug 2022 | Page 21

There is Strength in Numbers

Help expand our MMA community by sharing the value of membership with your colleagues and be rewarded on your annual dues investment .
A strong and growing MMA is positioned to enhance the manufacturing industry ’ s growth and long-term competitiveness . When you help recruit a new member , you ensure continued growth and support of a thriving Michigan manufacturing industry .
A larger membership equates to a larger and more influential economic footprint , strengthening the ability to impact decisions made in Lansing about laws , regulations and funding .
Refer MMA to your colleagues and save 10 % on your renewal for each referred company that joins .
Your personal recommendation is valuable ! People are 4x more likely to make a decision when referred by someone they know .
Find program rules and resources at mimfg . org .
Contact MMA ’ s Elizabeth Maciejewski , at 517-487-8542 or maciejewski @ mimfg . org , for help referring a new member .