MiMa no. 4 Autumn | Page 8

Tuesday afternoon

Master course Product Design


Light, man, space in contamporary design

In this course we look at a little building, the Diogene, by Renzo Piano. The Diogene is as little as possible but is suitable for living. It is made very environment friendly with:

- Photovoltaic cells and solar modules

- a rainwater tank

- a biological toilet

- natural ventilation

- triple glazing

We have to evaluate this building, make a redesign, make a 3D physical model but also a model in the program Dialux which can calculate different aspects of light. In the end we have to make some sort of product that suits this building and contributes to the light inside.

Workshop communication design

At the Politecnico every study has 2 workshops a year. Each workshop takes one intensive week. In this week you work with a company on a project. I am going to do a workshop for communication design. It is not clear yet what the company or the project will be, but I think it will be very interesting!

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