canfor-new south ’ s log optimizer increases yield
canfor-new south ’ s log optimizer increases yield
The MillExpert log optimization system is improving yield through increased productivity and recovery . Reduced downtime due to system reliability is an added bonus .
Improving quality and yield was what led Terry Bishop , plant manager , to select a new MillExpert log optimization and controls system for the Canfor-New South mill at Graham , North Carolina . The project replaced 15 year old scanning technology and increased lumber recovery at the primary breakdown . After a thorough analysis of the available technology solutions on the market , Terry and his team chose USNR for the sharp chain optimization project primarily because the MillExpert system offered a superior solution that could meet all their requirements .
The scope of the project included replacing an aging AST scanning and optimization system with a new MillExpert optimization system . The sharp chain consists of a log turner and two sets of twin bandmills . When the log is first loaded , a ‘ snapshot ’ scan is taken to calculate the skew / offset of the turning rolls . Then the log is lowered and thumped onto a sharp chain . As the log continues forward the lineal sensors are constantly scanning . After about 12 ” of forward log travel the full-density scan is complete . This dense , 3D scan is used for the final optimized decision . The optimization system sends instructions to the PLC to precisely align the cutting tools to perform the breakdown solution . Stephan Meinke , a member of the MillExpert design team , commented , “ The use of multiple scanning lines can really shorten up a lineal scanning system , a good choice when space in the mill is limited .”
MillExpert ’ s benefits
MillExpert log optimization offers significant benefits . This is a mature product that provides comprehensive control over the type of solution the customer requires . It is designed to increase the value and volume recovered from each log . The optimization system is set up by creating a virtual mill in software , which mimics how the actual mill operates . Every board , machine set , feed speed , etc . is calculated using the constraints input by the mill and applied to the log model generated from the scan data . All solutions are based on real data that is
“ The new optimizer improved our yield in the neighborhood of 2 %. The MillExpert software gives us better control of product quality coming out of the log .” collected via the high speed , high resolution sensor system . The MillExpert log optimizer is compatible with a variety of sensors including LASAR™ , Smart TriCam™ or DynaVision , and applications include sharp chains , Chip-N-Saws , and shifting and skewing extended length infeeds .
Terry commented , “ The new optimizer improved our yield in the neighborhood of 2 %, which was the reason for the purchase . The MillExpert software gives us better control of product quality coming out of the log .” This can be attributed to increased productivity and recovery with true shape scanning and better modeling of the mill at the optimizer , as well as reduced downtime due to increased system reliability .
18 Millwide INSIDER | ISSUE 3 - 2013