Milliyet Australia Turkish Newspaper 19 Mayıs 2016 | Page 4

Ergenlerle Mutluluk ?



04 Australian Turkish News

19 May 2016
18-year-old accused of plotting ‘ probably imminent ’ terror act in Sydney , planning to join Daesh in Syria
Fairfax Media reports that counter-terrorism police allege that Tamim Khaja from Macquarie Park , in Sydney ’ s northwest , was attempting to buy a gun and that he had scouted possible sites for an attack in the capital of New South Wales ( NSW ) state . News broadcaster ABC reports that NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Catherine Burn said Tuesday morning that the arrest of Khaja had prevented an attack , which she described as “ probably imminent ”. At a joint media conference at Australian Federal Police headquarters in Sydney , Australian Federal Police Acting Deputy Commissioner Neil Gaughan said police will allege Khaja was looking for “ possible sites in Sydney to undertake a terrorist attack and was making arrangements to acquire a firearm ”. Gaughan said that police are satisfied that Khaja was acting alone . He has been charged with two offences -- allegedly planning a terrorism attack and preparation for foreign incursions .
Psikolojik Danışman / rasiha _ ozdemir @ hotmail . com
Ergen çocuk sahibi ailelerin , “ Mutluluk mu ? Nerdeee !!!” diye iç geçirdiğini duyar gibiyiz . Biliyoruz , halinizi hatırınızı soran yok , sohbet etmeye kimsenin isteği yok ; aslında sorduğunuz sorulara yanıt bile yok … Sizin evde de koşullar böyleyse , endişelenmeyin ; yapabileceğiniz çok şey var …
“ İletişim ” pek çok kaynakta , “ insanların bilinçli ya da bilinçsiz olarak duygu ve düşüncelerini birbirlerine aktardıkları süreç ” olarak açıklanıyor . Sosyal varliklar olan bizlerin , diğerleri ile etkileşimimizin hayati noktası iletişimdir . Mutlu ailelerin temelinde de duygu ve düşüncelerini birbirleri ile paylaşabilen bireyler yatar . Bu kadar kitap bilgisinin yeterli olduğunu düşünerek , gerçek hayatta yaşananlar ve olumsuzluklarla ilgili neler yapabileceğinizi anlatmaya başlayalım .
Çocukların ergenlik dönemine girdiği ve değişimin en yüksek hızla ve pek çok açıdan şiddetli bir şekilde yaşandığı ergenlik döneminde , çocuklarımızla konuşmak , söylediklerimizin dinlenip dinlenmediğini anlamak , sorduğumuz sorulara makul yanıtlar almak

Australian teen held for allegedly planning terror plot

Both offences carry a maximum sentence of life imprisonment . Burn said police would contend that Khaja was planning to leave the country to go to Syria to join Daesh . “ He does have associations with some of the people that have already been put before the


Attacks on Muslims taking place despite security measures , French Council of the Muslim Faith president says Islamophobic attacks in France are on the rise , French Council of Muslim Faith President Anouar Kbibeche said Monday . In remarks made during the 33rd French Council of the Muslim Faith conference in the French city of Le Bourget Monday , Kbibeche said : “ The increase in Islamophobia has come after attacks in France last year .” “ Attacks on Muslim sanctuaries have gone up despite increase in security measures . A small mosque in Ajaccio has recently been damaged . Apart from this , a number of attacks have also been launched on individual Muslims .” The council ’ s Vice-President , Ahmet Ogras , urged Muslims to
genellikle zordur . Daha birkaç ay önce , çocuğunuzla aranızdan su sızmazken , şimdilerde çocuğunuzun yüzünü göremez hale gelmiş o- labilirsiniz .
Duygu ve düşüncelerin çatışmasız bir ortamda ifade edilebilmesi , mutlu ve özgüveni yüksek çocukların yetişmesinde en önemli faktördür . Çocukların her yaşta , anne-babalarının kendilerini anladığından ve neler hissettiklerini fark ettiklerinden emin olmaya ihtiyaçları vardır . Ancak bundan emin oldukları sürece , hayatlarında olan biteni sizinle paylaşmak isteyebilirler . Çocuğunuzun duygu ve düşüncelerini sizinle paylaşabileceğinden emin olmasını sağlamanın formülü de , neyse ki son derece basit :
• Dinleyin
• Sevdiğinizi hissettirin
• Yargılamayın
• Suçlamayın
Pek çok ergen , hiç çaktırmıyor olsa da , diğerlerini anlama ve empati kurabilme yeteneğine sahiptir . Dil becerilerinin ve soyut düşünmenin de hızla gelişmesiyle , kendilerini ifade edebilme kapasiteleri de son derece
make their voices heard . “ We are elements of this society as Muslims in France . We should be able to express our opinions and join political parties . We need to increase power of representation of Muslims by expressing ourselves ,” Ogras added . Amar Lasfar , Union of Islamic organizations of France president , said : “ We extend our helping hands to everybody whatever their religion , culture and values are , in the name of togetherness and a prosperous future .” On Jan . 20 , Abdallah Zekri , president of France ’ s Collective Against Islamophobia ( CCIF ), said the organization had recorded 704 anti-Muslim acts in 2014 , against 905 in 2015 . Zekri said these were the highest level of attacks since the collective was established in 2011 . gelişmiş durumdadır . Aynı zamanda , artık bir ergen olduğundan , çocuğunuzu kontrol edebilme gücünüz son derece azalmıştır ve iletişim , onun hayatından haberdar olabilmek ve onunla birlikte hareket edebilmek için tek yolunuzdur .
Aslında ergenlik döneminde iletişimin bozulduğu , kopukluğa uğradığı durumlarda , genel olarak anne-babaların kaybettikleri kontrol nedeniyle paniğe kapılmaları , çocuklarının hayatı ile ilgili bilgiyi farklı kanallardan , gördükleri ipuçlarından toplamaya çalışmaları ve çocukları ile aralarındaki güvenin bozulması ile ilgilidir .
Ergenliğe henüz adım atmakta olan çocuğunuzla sağlıklı iletişim kurabilmenin bazi püf noktalari : 1 – Açık Uçlu Sorular Sorun Böylelikle hem soru yargılamadan arınmış olur , hem de çocuğunuzun kendisini ifade e- debilmesini sağlayacak kapıyı ardına kadar açmış olursunuz . “ Bugün okulda eğlendin mi ?” diye sormak yerine – ki buna verilecek yanıt kısa bir “ evet ” ya da “ hayır ” olacaktır- “ Bugün okul nasıl geçti anlatsana ” demeyi
courts ,” she said during Tuesday ’ s media conference . Praising the work of the Joint Counter Terrorism Team , Burns said as of now nine imminent strikes have been prevented since Sept . 2014 . “ We have taken swift action to ensure the safety of the community and we are satisfied that any threat to the community posed by the individual has been mitigated ,” Gaughan told reporters . Police would not identify which sites Khaja had allegedly been planning to target , but that they would likely be “ institutions of authority ”.
Ergenlerle Mutluluk ?
tercih edin . 2 – Çift Yönlü İletişimi Koruyun Aranızdaki konuşmalar , onun anlatması ya da sizin öğütler vermeniz şeklinde olmamalı . Onun bakış açısını , hissettiklerini ve düşündüklerini anlamaya çalışmalı , anladığınızı ve kabul ettiğinizi de ona geri bildirmelisiniz . Etkili bir şekilde dinleyebilmenin özünde de bu vardır . Konuşma sırasında , gerek mimiklerinizle , gerekse duruşunuzla , beden dilinizle , o- nun anlattıklarını önemsediğinizi çocuğunuza hissettirin .
3 – Duygularını Anlamaya Çalışın ve Tanımlayın
Duygusal dışavurumun sağlanması , aranızdaki iletişimin kalitesinin ve çocuğunuzun özgüveninin gelişmesine olanak sağlar . Anlamlandırılamayan ve ifade edilemeyen duygusal , huzursuzluğa ve kaygıya neden olabilir . Çocuğunuzun anlattığı yaşantılarının onda yansıması olan duyguları anlamaya çalışın . “ Bu durumda çok kızmış olmalısın ,” gibi cümlelerle , onun dillendirmediği duyguları ortaya çıkarmaya ve anlamaya çalışın .
Attorney-General George Brandis confirmed Khaja was targeting public buildings representing authority . Brandis told media from Brisbane on Tuesday that Khaja “ was known to law enforcement authorities , that he had attempted to leave the country in February to engage , it will be alleged , in hostile acts of foreign incursion but he was prevented from leaving because he was the subject of a passport cancellation ”. He added that Khaja has since “ been under the surveillance of the relevant authorities who have decided this morning to act to prevent an imminent terrorist event .” On Tuesday , Khaja ’ s lawyer told 7 News he will not yet apply for bail on terrorism charges but will make an application at a later date . Australia has been engaged in efforts to increase anti-terror measures in recent years . The country passed legislation in December to strip dual nationals of their citizenship if they are convicted or suspected of terrorism offences .

Australia to try 5 for ‘ trying to sail to join Daesh ’

A court in far north Australia ordered Monday that five men charged for alleged plans to leave the country by boat to eventually join Daesh in Syria be extradited to Melbourne to face trial . The men , who are all from Melbourne and aged between 21 and 31 , were each charged Sunday with one count of making preparations for incursions into foreign countries for the purpose of engaging in hostile activities . They were arrested in north Queensland last Tuesday after driving from Melbourne with a 7-meter ( 23-foot ) boat in tow in an alleged bid to sail to Indonesia en route to Syria . The Cairns Magistrates Court upheld Monday an argument by the Australian Federal Police ’ s joint counter terrorism teams that the men be returned to Melbourne to face a Magistrates Court on Thursday . They face a maximum penalty of life in jail if found guilty .


Attorney-General George Brandis confirmed Sunday that each of the men had had their passports canceled several months ago by Foreign Minister Julie Bishop . “ These people had been under surveillance for quite some time -- that ’ s the reason their passports were cancelled because they had been under surveillance and their intentions to travel to the Middle East to engage in terrorist war fighting were known to the authorities ,” Brandis told reporters in Brisbane . “ When it became clear to them that they wouldn ’ t be able to leave the country in an orthodox way , they remained under surveillance so that if they attempted to leave the country in this very unusual way they would be able to be stopped and they were .” Among the five were Musa Cerantonio , who London-based think-tank the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation has described as “ an outspoken cheerleader for ISIS [ Daesh ]”. Others were Kadir Kaya , who told local radio in October that he hated Australia but could not leave due to his passport being revoked , and Shayden Thorne , the brother of Australian preacher Junaid Thorne -- who was sentenced to eight months in prison in August 2015 for flying under a false name . It is expected the men will be extradited Monday night to Melbourne . Australia has been engaged in efforts to increase anti-terror measures in recent years . The country passed legislation in December to strip dual nationals of their citizenship if they are convicted or suspected of terrorism offences . It has already banned its citizens from traveling to Mosul and Syria ’ s Raqqa province -- unless they have a “ legitimate purpose ” for being there .
Tel : ( 02 ) 9649 9327 Rawson Street Auburn NSW 2144 - HAFTANIN 7 GÜNÜ GECE SAAT 9:00 ’ A KADAR AÇIĞIZ

Erdogan urges Syria safe zone amid Kilis rocket attacks

- Turkish president criticizes West over refusal to establish safe zone in Syria as constant rocket attacks hit border province
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reiterated his calls Tuesday for a safe zone in northern Syria to protect civilians from airstrikes as the Turkish border town of Kilis has been hit with constant rocket attacks by the terrorist group Daesh . “ There ’ s not a single door left that we have not knocked on [ regarding ] developing a safe zone on our southern borders to protect the innocent people in Syria ,” Erdogan said in Istanbul during the third Islamic conference of ministers responsible for water . “ I shared this with the U . S . president [ Barack Obama ], I shared this with Russia when relations were good and I shared this with the Western countries ,” Erdogan said , adding that none of them took action to develop a safe zone . Turkey ’ s southeastern province of Kilis has faced a spate of cross-border rocket attacks from Daesh in recent months . “ Tens of our people lost their lives due to rockets fired from Syria in our Kilis province ,” Erdogan said . In Kilis province , the local governor has confirmed that in the last four months a total of 20 people have been killed and almost 70 others wounded by rockets that have fallen inside Turkish territory . On Monday , Erdogan met Kilis Governor Suleyman Tapsiz as well as the city ’ s mayor Hasan Kara . - ‘ No starving Syrian refugees ’ “ Three million people are taking shelter in our country and none of them are starving . Thankfully , we have taken care of them all ,” he said , adding that the amount of money Turkey has spent on meeting the needs of Syrian refugees has surpassed $ 10 billion . “ We are talking about an ongoing everyday spending ,” he said , adding that the $ 10-billion sum excludes aid from Turkish non-governmental institutions . A deal reached in March between Turkey and the EU includes a 6-billion-euro ($ 6.8 billion ) aid package to help Turkey care for millions of refugees hosted in the country . “ If the promised funding comes , we will have the ability to further enhance their needs ,” he said . The third Islamic conference in Istabul will last until Thursday . Member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation , including Azerbaijan , Jordan and Afghanistan , are participating .

Turkish FM lashes out at Lavrov over Daesh claims

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov that if Moscow had any evidence that showed Turkey helping Daesh , he would be ready to resign . In Austria ’ s capital Vienna for an International Syria Support Group ( ISSG ) meeting on Tuesday , Cavusoglu told Lavrov that he disagreed with the claims that Turkey turned a blind eye to the terrorist organization Daesh , according to witnesses of the exchange who do not want to be identified . “ You are a serious diplomat , and one of the most experienced diplomat among us . You should not rely upon such frivolous claims ,” Cavusoglu said to Lavrov during the meeting , which was shown live in a separate room with other diplomats . “ I am ready to resign if you have any evidence that Turkey helps Daesh , but if you cannot prove your claims , I invite you to Antalya [ Cavusoglu ’ s hometown ] as a guest for the rest of your life ,” he added . Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had also condemned the claims that Turkey supported Daesh terrorist organization . “ The portrayal of Turkey as a country that helps Daesh is excuse me if this will sound harsh -- despicable ,” Erdogan said Wednesday . Moscow has regularly claimed that Ankara had provided help to Daesh , namely in the form of oil purchases from the terrorist group . A total 24 representatives , from 20 countries and four international organizations , attended the meeting in Vienna to seek a solution to the five-year Syrian civil war .

French FM meets Israeli , Palestinian leaders

At a Sunday meeting with French Foreign Minister Jean- Marc Ayrault , Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu questioned the “ fairness ” of a France-sponsored Mideast peace initiative . Ayrault met with Netanyahu -- and later with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah -- to discuss preparations for a Paris-hosted peace conference scheduled for May 30 which is aimed at reviving the moribund Israel-Palestine peace process . Israel has reacted coldly to the French initiative and has criticized French support for a recent UNESCO resolution on the Al-Aqsa Mosque , which , Netanyahu has said , ignored the site ’ s relevance to Jewish history . “ I told him [ Ayrault ] that the scandalous UNESCO decision , which was supported by France [ and ] that does not recognize the Jewish People ’ s ties … to the Temple Mount [ i . e ., Al-Aqsa ], casts a shadow on the fairness of any forum that France tries to convene ,” Netanyahu said after meeting the French FM . Netanyahu added that Ayrault had described French support for the motion as a “ misunderstanding ”.