Milliyet Australia Turkish Newspaper 19 Mayıs 2016

04 02 Trying to sail to join Daesh Dokunulmazlık teklifinin 1. ve 2. maddeleri kabul edildi AUSTRALIAN TURKISH NEWS MİLLİYET SİZE YETER 52/10 Milliyet 19 MAY 2016 | $1.00 IK AÇILDRIZ E BEKL 246 Newbridge Rd. Moorebank NSW 2170 02 8712 1187 EV HANIMLARIN VE BEYLERİN DİKKATİNE AustralIan teen held SGK for allegedly plannIng terror plot MUSTAFA AKTAŞ : 0415 773 861 Türkiye’den emeklilik işlemleriniz Avustralya genelinde yapılır 40 yaş üstü kişilere taksitle emeklilik imkanı 04 bably lotting ‘pro p f o d e s ld accu sh in Syria 18-year-o to join Dae g in n n la p Sydney, in terror act imminent’ Emeklilik sistemleri SSK, Bağkur ve Emekli Sandığı Uzmanı Lütfen randevu alınız Erdogan urges Syria safe zone amid Kilis rocket attacks Turkish president criticizes West over refusal to establish safe zone in Syria as constant rocket attacks hit border province 04 President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reiterated his calls Tuesday for a safe zone in northern Syria to protect civilians from airstrikes as the Turkish border town of Kilis has been hit with constant rocket attacks by the terrorist group Daesh.>>04 Avustralya Göç Bakanı mültecileri cahillikle suçladı Australian police arrested Tuesday an 18-year-old man in Sydney for allegedly plotting an “imminent” lone-wolf terrorist act. Fairfax Media reports that counter-terrorism police allege that Tamim Khaja from Macquarie Park, in Sydney’s northwest, was attempting to buy a gun and that he had scouted possible sites for an attack in the capital of New South Wales (NSW) state. News broadcaster ABC reports that NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Catherine Burn said Tuesday morning that the arrest of Khaja had prevented an attack, which she described as “probably imminent”. At a joint media conference at Australian Federal Police headquarters in Sydney, Australian Fede- Turkish FM lashes out at Lavrov over Daesh claims ‘I am ready to resign if you have any evidence that Turkey helps Daesh,’ Cavusoglu tells Russian FM Lavrov at Vienna meeting 04 ral Police Acting Deputy Commissioner Neil Gaughan said police will allege Khaja was looking for “possible sites in Sydney to undertake a terrorist attack and was making arrangements to acquire a firearm”.>>04 AK Parti’nin yeni genel başkanı kim olacak? AK Parti, yeni genel başkan için temayül yoklamalarına başladı. Yapılan toplantılarda öne çıkan ismin Binali Yıldırım olduğu belirtiliyor. 02 Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov that if Moscow had any evidence that showed Turkey helping Daesh, he would be ready to resign. In Austria’s capital Vienna for an International Syria Support Group (ISSG) French FM meets Israeli, Palestinian leaders meeting on Tuesday, Cavusoglu told Lavrov that he disagreed with the claims that Turkey turned a blind eye to the terrorist organization Daesh, according to witnesses of the exchange who do not want to be identified. >>04 Netanyahu says French Mideast initiative won’t contribute to prospects for viable peace settlement At a Sunday meeting with French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu questioned the “fairness” of a France-sponsored Mideast peace initiative. Ayrault met with Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah -- to discuss preparations for a Paris-hosted peace conference scheduled for May 30 which is aimed at reviving the moribund Israel-Palestine peace process. >>04 02 Avustralya’da her seçim döneminde iktidardaki Liberal Parti tarafından siyasi gündem haline getirilen mültecileri, bu kez de Federal Göç Bakanı Peter Dutton hedef aldı. Avustralya Yayın Kurumundaki habere gö- Avustralya’da sınır güvenliği ve göç politikalarını 2016 seçimlerinin odak noktasına koyan Göç Bakanı Peter Dutton, ülkeye alınacak mülteciler için “okuma yazma ve hesap bilmeyen cahiller” dedi. re, Göç Bakanı Dutton, Avustralya’ya kabul edilecek 12 bin mültecinin, “okuma yazma ve hesap bilmeyen cahillerden” oluştuğunu ve bunların Avustralyalıların toplumsal yapısında istenmeyen değişimlere yol açacağını savundu.>>02 ISLAMOPHOBIA IN FRANCE ON THE RISE: MUSLIM BODY HEAD Islamophobic attacks in France are on the rise, French Council of Muslim Faith President Anouar Kbibeche said Monday. Yeni başbakan kim olacak? Sorunun yanıtı için gözler, AK Parti’deki istişare sürecine çevrildi. İlk temayül yoklaması bugün il başkanları, kadın ve gençlik kolları başkanları, belediye başkanları ve il genel meclisi başkanları arasında yapıldı. Toplantıya çağrılan 363 isimden 329’u katıldı. AK Parti Genel Merkezi’ndeki toplantıya katılanlara, birer oy pusulası verilerek “yeni genel başkan olarak kimi görmek istediklerini” yazmaları istendi. Siyaset kulislerinden yansıyan bilgilere göre bu ilk toplantıda Ulaştırma, Denizcilik ve Haberleşme Bakanı Binali Yıldırım’ın ismi öne çıktı. Attacks on Muslims taking place despite security measures, French Council of the Muslim Faith president says In remarks made during the 33rd French Council of the Muslim Faith conference in the French city of Le Bourget Monday, Kbibeche said: “The increase in Islamophobia has come after attacks in France last year.” “Attacks on Muslim sanctuaries have gone up despite increase in security measures. A small mosque in Ajaccio has recently been damaged. Apart from this, a number of attacks have also been launched on individual Muslims.” >>04