Milliyet Australia Turkish Newspaper 16 Haziran 2016

Kılıçdaroğlu ve Demirtaş hakkındaki fezlekeler savcılığa ulaştı 06 First Friday prayer of Ramadan takes place in Australia 02 Mentally ill Australian teen charged with terror 02 AUSTRALIAN TURKISH NEWS MİLLİYET SİZE YETER 52/12 Milliyet Ramazan Ayınız mübarek olsun 16 JUNE 2016 | $1.00 Massacre ın amerıca 50 dead US: 50 dead, 53 injured in Orlando club shooting SGK 40 yaş üstü kişilere taksitle emeklilik imkanı EV HANIMLARIN VE BEYLERİN DİKKATİNE Türkiye’den emeklilik işlemleriniz Avustralya genelinde yapılır Emeklilik sistemleri SSK, Bağkur ve Emekli Sandığı Uzmanı Lütfen randevu alınız MUSTAFA AKTAŞ : 0415 773 861 Federal Polis Öğrencilere İftar Verdi 02 04 A t least 50 people are dead and 53 injured following what U.S. President Barack Obama has described as the worst mass shooting in U.S. history which took place in Orlando, Florida, officials con- firmed Sunday. The shooter, who attacked a gay nightclub in the early hours of Sunday morning, has been identified by Congressman Alan Grayson as Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old U.S. cit- izen from St. Lucie, Florida. An FBI agent told reporters the suspect has not been positively identified by his next of kin, but added that there were no other suspects being investigated. Turkish Jets Hit PKK Targets In Iraq’s North, SE Turkey PKK shelters in Iraq’s northern Qandil region and Semdinli district of Turkey’s Hakkari province struck by warplanes Turkish Armed Forces jets hit terrorist PKK targets in Iraq and southeastern Turkey on Monday, the military said on Tuesday. The Turkish General Staff issued a statement saying that fighter jets bombarded the southeastern Hakkari province’s Semdinli district between 17:00 and 17:15 pm (1400-14:15GMT) and nine targets were destroyed. The air force also carried out a series of operations in northern Iraq’s Qa- Analysts predict Australian election result turmoil Avustralya Federal Polisi (AFP) Melbourne’de çeşitli üniversitelerde okuyan yabancı öğrencilere iftar verdi. Victoria İslam Konseyinin (ICV) Melbourne kent merkezindeki binasında düzenlenen iftara yaklaşık 150 öğrenci katılırken, AFP yetkilileri de öğrencilerle iftar yaptı.>>02 Indonesia ushers boat carrying Sri security forcLankans to Australia Indonesian es escort vessel carrying 04 ve Rönesans döneminde inşa edilen Cancelleria’da gerçekleştirildi. Türkiye’nin Vatikan Büyükelçisi Prof. Mehmet Paçacı’nın ev sahipliğinde yapılan anma törenine, Vatikan nezdinde görev yapan bazı misyon şefleri, din adamları ile çok sayıda Türk ve İtalyan konuk katıldı. 02 Politicians’ ‘uninspiring’ sound bites making electorate yawn, with analysts now forecasting an unwelcome outcome With just under three weeks to go before Australians flock to the polls for the July 2 federal election, the boredom factor is reported to be almost on par with the level of disenchantment with the present prime minister. Polls show that Liberal Party leader Malcolm Turnbull is failing to live up to the electorate’s expectations, plus voters are turning away in droves from the overtly stagemanaged campaigns of the two main parties.>>02 ethnic Tamil, including women and children, into int’l waters An official from the Lhoknga subdistrict of Aceh province said Monday that Indonesian security forces escorted the vessel with ethnic Tamil on board into international waters Sunday night, according to Indonesian news outlet >>04 ndil and Hakurk regions between 19:34 and 20:39 (1634- 1739 GMT) and destroyed five targets, including shelters. Vatikan’a ait sarayda iftar Asala tarafından 40 yıl önce öldürülen büyükelçi Taha Carım, Vatikan’a ait bir sarayda yapılan törenle anıldı. Törende Kur’anı Kerim’den ayetler ile ezan okunmasının ardından konuklara iftar yemeği de ikram edildi. Etkinlik, İtalya’nın başkenti Roma’da Vatikan’a ait görkemli saraylardan biri olan It has emerged that Mateen called 911 minutes before launching the onslaught in Pulse Club and declared his allegiance to the Daesh terrorist group, FBI officials confirmed.>>04 NATO Welcomes Italy’s Missile Defense System in Turkey No working group can tackle question between Turkey and Russia unless Turkey takes step first, Kremlin spokesman says Italy’s deployment of its missile defense system in Turkey to reflect solidarity among alliance members, NATO chief says. In his briefing to the media just before NATO defense ministers’ meeting at the alliance’s headquarters in Brussels Tuesday, NATO Secretary- General said: “I welcome that Italy is going to deploy SAMP/T missile defense system to Turkey.”>>06 Muhammad Ali eulogized as ‘universal soldier’ for humanity Ali went from being ‘one of this country’s most polarizing figures to, arguably, its most beloved,’ says one eulogist Thousands of fans paid a final tribute to Muhammad Ali in an interfaith memorial service as the boxing legend’s legacy inspired eulogists to explore the human condition and the American cultural experience through his larger-than-life persona.>>06