MilliOnAir Magazine Winter Edition | Page 165

After one Perfect Peel treatment, they were dramatically reduced, and my skin was satin smooth. Make-up sits on my skin beautifully.”

However, despite achieving instant results, Aimee says that the Perfect Peel should be part of a longer- term goal and maintenance plan. “My journey has only just begun. One session isn’t enough, and clients should understand that when booking. I will probably look to have up to three sessions, usually with four weeks in between. The end goal is to have gorgeous skin that requires minimal make-up.”

Resident make-up expert Zak was inspired to try a Perfect Peel after seeing Anna’s results. “I didn’t have any major concerns as such, but I wanted to improve the overall quality of my skin and brighten its tone, and correct some minor pigmentation around my hairline, which was caused by sunbeds. My skin afterwards felt quite tight and looked red in places, and I started peeling on day three. From day six, I was ecstatic with how beautiful and smooth my skin was. It’s a fantastic treatment.”

Ready to party?

Short of it is that if flawless skin and skin health

matters to you, and you want instant

improvements with little downtime, then the

Perfect Peel can really serve your needs. It

represents the latest technological advancements in the trusted chemical peel, and it really is one of the best skin treatments available. Perfect of course for the party season!

Just remember though, it should always be part of a wider skincare plan.

Vicky Grammatikopoulou

Founder and CEO, Vie Aesthetics

For more information on the Perfect Peel, visit

a few of our team case-studies!

HR manager Anna tried it to reduce the scarring caused from an acne condition that has troubled her since her late teens.

“Scarring is very common for anyone who has suffered from medium to severe acne like I have,” says Anna, now in her mid 20s. “What particularly appealed to me about the Perfect Peel was how fast it works – results delivered in a week. And it doesn’t need a preparation beforehand. A week after my first treatment, my skin texture had improved significantly. More importantly, my scarring had been visibly reduced. I was delighted with the results and very excited by my fresh, new skin. It’s a great treatment for anyone suffering from acne and acne scarring.”

Senior skin therapist Aimee Piper says she had the Perfect Peel first-hand to demonstrate to clients it's possibilities, as well as ready herself for the Christmas party season. “I wanted porcelain-like skin and no pores for Christmas and the winter months,” she says. “Vie

Aesthetics gave me the opportunity to achievethat. I had pores on my T-Zone, some pot-holescarring, and old, red scars on my cheeks.