MilliOnAir Magazine May/June 2019 | Page 186


Click link for #POSITIVITY by Phil Hellmuth is available on Amazon at $15.21 and $8.88 for the EBook


What is the most positive piece of of advice you have been given - when, where and by whom....

Quite simply, believe in yourself. I’m sure we have all been told it many times over our lives, but it really is so important. It’s probably the foundation to many of the points that have been said here.

If you believe in yourself, then you should feel positive and confident in the situations you find yourself in.

Where in the world are you in your most positive state....

I am at my most positive when I am travelling and exploring somewhere new. I love to take in my surroundings, understand how things are done, how people behave, and challenge myself to identify where there are potential improvements and opportunities. 

If you could be known for one positive achievement in your life what would it be....

To create something of value that has a positive impact on people’s lives.

In what way have you felt loved in your life....

I find the clearest reminder of being loved comes from unexpected, altruistic gestures of kindness.

If you were a superpower leader what positive act would you give to the world....

For everyone to provide acts of kindness. The wealth gap is continuing to diverge and if everyone did just a little bit more, the impact would be huge.

What time of the day do you find the most positive....

My 20-minute walk to the office each morning is my favourite time of the day. I don’t look at my emails or take calls but simply enjoy the time to observe my surroundings and let the mind wonder.

What aspect of your own positivity or negativity would you change....

Positivity is contagious. I have walked away from meetings feeling energised just from the positivity and enthusiasm I have sensed from someone, and vice versa.

Although I find it easier to take a step back from those who are negative, I should be more willing in my time to help them view things from a positive perspective.

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