MilliOnAir Magazine March/April 2019 | Page 149



Please can you suggest what I can do, my husband sweats buckets, no deodorant seem to work. He has barely put his work shirt on when he's wet under the arms. It is so embarrassing when he is giving a talk, he feels like a river is running down from his under arms. I have heard that there are aesthetics treatments that help.

Dawn Spencer Maidenhead  


A very effective treatment for excessive axillary sweating (medical term: hyper hydrosis) is Botox. The treatment relieves patients from all embarrassment of excessive arm pit sweating, it is a relatively fast, efficient and effective procedure. Results last for up to 6 months. It is offered at our clinics, please book in for more information or a no fee consultation.

How many times a year should I have Botox? My first time was in September and for the first two weeks  I had to apologise to clients as my face seemed to lack empathy, you could however see results but after that it seemed back to normal and there was really no difference. My friend said you need to go often to get good results. What are your thoughts?

Antonio Marckell Camden 


If administered correctly by a medical professional Botox lasts 3-4 months and then a further treatment is required in order to maintain the effects.

Of course, the Botox effect and the duration differs from person and it depends on many factors, such as lifestyle, sun exposure, smoking, etc... generally we suggest that your Botox treatments should be at least 8 weeks apart in order for you not to develop resistance. For further info and treatment please feel free to book