MilliOnAir Magazine June 2018 | Page 86

Give your brain a treat and your mind will thank you for it!

Nuts and seeds; A small handful of walnuts, almonds and brazil nuts as a snack has been shown to create higher levels of serotonin ( researchers from the university of Barcelona discovered this result). Also, eating these just one once a day may help reduce blood pressure and blood sugar.

Flaxseed ; Rich in magnesium and B-vitamins, also a great source of omega-3. These all help combat stress.

Avocado ; Rich in potassium, amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.

Salmon; Wild Salmon is better than farmed salmon simply because they eat a natural diet, its also healthier for the environment. Its rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a great source of protein, high in B3,B5,B6,B12. Its a good source of potassium and selenium. Not just good for your brain, but heart , skin and hair as well

Dark chocolate; It has powerful antioxidant properties, natural stimulants such as caffeine, which enhances focus and concentration and stimulates the production of endorphins, which can help improve mood.Two or three pieces is plenty, eating a whole bar regularly will only help your waistline to increase!

Blueberries, green tea and pomegranate juice are all helpful too.

