MilliOnAir Magazine June 2018 | Page 136


5 Sure Ways to Turn Away Top Millennial Talent

By Lesley Everett

IT'S a constant challenge for any business to attract the best talent against all the competition and this may well be high on your list of business priorities for the immediate short-term. I just wonder however, how much of the everyday business activity and behaviours you miss as CEO or senior leader, that could be severely diluting your chances of getting the talent you need. It’s detail that is quite possibly invisible to you.

Sadly, I’m finding that simple good manners and courtesy are going downhill in the corporate world with people just not responding, not being accountable and responsible for getting a task done, not doing what they say they will do and having a general disrespect for others’ time and agenda. This all-too-common level of apathy is having a dramatic effect on corporate culture and this ripples outside, therefore having an impact on attracting and securing the top talent - here’s why:

MilliOnAir | Business