MilliOnAir Magazine June 2018 | Page 85

Breathing correctly is not only key for living longer, it can also improve your mood and keep you performing at your best. Here are just a few things correct breathing has done for me...

Release tension

Massages organs

Strengthens the immune system

Improves posture

Increases digestion and assimilation of food

Boosts energy levels

Improves cellular regeneration

How to breathe properly:

You need to breathe deeply into your abdomen - not just your chest Also your shoulders should not be moving.

Inhale through your nose, expanding your belly then fill your chest.

Hold for 3 or 4 seconds.

Exhale fully from a slightly parted mouth until you feel you’ve got all the air out.

It normally takes 5 seconds to fill your lungs and 5 seconds to empty them.

Try and do this for 2 mins 4 times a day, you will feel immediate improvements within yourself e.g. focus, mood and relaxation.


