MilliOnAir Magazine June 2017 | Page 71

Yes! Something like that, I came bringing different people and each time it was like I was watching it for the first time. It did get to me. Your emotion, the crying, the audience was immersed in the story each and every time. I feel very fortunate to have seen you in that play live. I still get Goosebumps if I close my eyes and think back on those nights. Each time I got pulled in more and more. So, it is great to know it is one of your most memorable plays.


 I’m going to New York next week to do a reading of a new play “The Husk” written by my friend Jake Quinn and hopefully we’ll be doing that play in November-December on Off Broadway.

Now Jeff, not everyone is aware of this, but you have been a longtime humanitarian advocate. From helping orphanages & schools to refugees. You are part of America Broad Media, Project Passerine, you are also a member of the Advisory Board of Friends Forever USA and in recognition for your efforts a few years ago you were designated as The Global Ambassador of the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI). What can you tell us about these subjects you are so passionate about?


There is so much I can and would like to tell you about them. The best thing would be for people to check the links we are sharing then we’ll do a follow up on our next interview.


That is a great idea Jeff and yes, we will for sure be doing some follow ups with you! Too many stories to share with our readers, I know I want to continue hearing the adventures that are yet to come.


To all our readers, Jeff is always very humble when it comes to his humanitarian work but I really wanted to make everyone aware of the amazing projects that he does because I know more people want to get involved in causes and they don’t know how. As Jeff mentioned we will be doing a follow up very soon and more news will be released! Otherwise this interview could keep going forever. So, at the bottom of this interview you will find all links to the projects.