MilliOnAir Magazine July/August | Page 171


Hi lovely just need to remove last sentence I have marked in blue and the sentence before

Needs to be altered to include

“Products” and after the name Jnane Tamsna . (Remove out) Marrakech.

6. Make sure you leave four hours between each meal and a twelve hour fast overnight.

7. Keep at least two hours between the end of the last meal and bedtime to give the body time to focus on rest and repair during sleep.

8. Keep a food diary for any bloating reflux or discomfort, so you can establish if there are foods triggering a digestive issue and remove them for four weeks to see if there is improvement.

9. Try a good quality probiotic to restore gut bacteria, VSL 3 ( £44 month) or Rhythm Health Life shot ( pck 5 £49.50 ) or Optibac extra strength (£60 for 6 weeks).

10. The Mediterranean diet of fresh fish fruit vegetables nuts and seeds is the diet that is linked to longevity. There are no farmed grains but generally it involves sitting and eating together, good quality food and a sense of community with some sunshine thrown in.

Bridget Hancock BSc DIp Naturopathic Nutrition

Health & Wellness Editor MilliOnAir