MilliOnAir Magazine July 2018 | Page 121

The Pursuit of Happyness starring Will Smith

What is the most positive piece of of advice you have been given - when, where and by whom....

I was sitting at home with my son, Alfie Boy, who was 15 at the time, discussing one of my business deals that was going sour. He turned to me and said: You are Alfie can do anything you want.

Do you get positivity from religion or spirituality....

No. That doesn't mean to say you can't. It is just not for me. My positiivty comes from within.

How do you react positively to fear....

By keeping fear in its box and not allowing it to grow.

Who is the most positive person in your life....


What is the key to you being resilient....

Keeping your feet very well grounded.
