MilliOnAir Magazine July 2018 | Page 149



I have terrible arthritis in my hand and have been told that some aesthetics treatment might not ease the pain but also reverse the problem. Is this true?

Charlotte Desmond, Brighton

Some cosmetic or aesthetic doctors charge a Treatments such as Mesotherapy - injections in the middle layers of the skin with nutrients, vitamins and recently with endopeel (peanut oil) - offer an excellent way of rejuvenating the skin.

Injecting in areas near painful joints, such as wrists, finers and near the spine, will address the pain and sometimes these pain-free periods can last for several months.

Mesotherapy for joint pains is a very good alternative to steroids and pain killers, which can have harmful side effects.

It’s not fully understood how this works but it’s thought that by injecting close to the painful areas, we somehow block the nerve connections there, and thus the perception of pain is diminished. Several sessions might be required to achieve a prolonged effect.


I’d love to get a six-pack for my holiday in September. I am doing low carb and high protein diet and working out. Can you suggest anything aesthetic-wise that might give me a boost?

Craig Bitty, Fulham London


The reality is that we all have a natural six-pack, but for most of us it’s well-hidden underneath skin and, more importantly, fat tissue. Fitness does not necessarily mean a six - even if we are fit and train on a regular basis, in order for these abdominal muscles to show a body must be virtually fat-free.

This is something that is achievable only with diet, but that does not mean starving yourself. Cut the carbs out first thing and opt for a high protein breakfast and healthy carbs after 10am and none at all after seven in the evening. Eat small meals frequently you will get results. Drink lots of water stay away from protein bars, which are high in sugar.

There’s also a relatively new method to achieve a good-looking abdomen and get as close as possible to a six- pack.Exclusively available in the UK at Vie, Endopeel consists of an oily patented solution containing carbolic acid with peanut oil acid. This revolutionary treatment produces amazing results and can be performed with minimal discomfort.

The solution can be injected in problem areas of the face, such as the jowls, or the neck, as well as in problem areas of the body, such as the gluteus area (bum lift), in the thighs, in saggy upper arms (bingo wings), the chest and tummy area.

To book a FREE consultation, call 07899673578 0r 02071646140 or book online HERE.

Please send your questions to

 [email protected], marked for the attention of Steven Smith, beauty editor.

''Sun protection is crucial, above all to prevent us from getting skin cancer and also to prevent premature ageing of our skin. Trying to keep our faces in the shade in the summer as using a high SPF facial sunscreen is fundamental. .''