MilliOnAir Magazine July 2017 | Page 83

WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT BEING A COACH? Celebrating my clients!!! I also really love going into the “darkness” with them. There is nothing more fulfilling to me than figuratively taking my clients’' hands and walking them out of their fear, or grief, the deep emotions, and back to the light. Those moments add even more to the celebration. I take these women with me in my heart everywhere I go. Their tears and triumphs are a part of me forever. That exchange is WHY I do what I do. WHAT ARE SOME THINGS YOU’VE NEEDED TO OVERCOME ON YOUR JOURNEY TO SUCCESS? FEAR. And heartbreak. And my anxiety around other women, believe it or not. I think the very first moment my life actually changed courses, was on a work trip to Vegas where the group bonding activity was sky diving. It was my worst fear in life. I’m terrified of heights and flying. But as I watched everyone land, so full of adrenaline, I cried, so frustrated at what I was missing out on by being afraid. I decided in that second to jump. When I landed, I dropped to my knees and it felt like fear literally left my body. It was a life changing experience. (No I wouldn’t do it again!) This was another moment I “met” myself. The heartbreak was the thing though, that was the third time I really “met” myself. I almost lost myself. Truly. I think the few clients I had, and Diva Business School at the time, are what saved me. And a life changing solo road trip across the country! WHAT WAS THAT EXPERIENCE LIKE? It saved me. I had an intuition that I needed to go on a journey to fall back in love with myself and heal my heart. I visited the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, took myself on a date in the French Quarter. I saved a dog on the side of the road in Baton Rouge, I drove through canyons in Colorado, saw a healer in L.A., put my two weeks’ notice in while at the MGM Grand in Vegas and slowly left behind the life that was no longer me. I brought myself back to a NEW life. I was very brave. In my most vulnerable state, I took the whole Facebook community with me via Facebook Live. It’s now one of the best memories of my life.