MilliOnAir Magazine July 2017 | Page 72

Live life to the fullest

As I write this today I am in beautiful sunny Spain, although not on a vacation or at a speaking event as usual. I write this column this month from a hospital room where my mom has been waiting to be operated on after a bad fall.

Over the past 3 years I have spent a lot of time visiting her in a nursing home and each time I do it makes me reflect on life and how so many people waste this amazing opportunity we have to create something great.

I get to listen to some pretty amazing stories each time I visit. All these elderly souls who are now on their last chapters of life always have great wisdom, but the common message I get is always 'live life to the fullest' and have no regrets.

I consider myself fortunate because I get to travel the world, experience new cultures, work with some amazing clients and talk to people from many different backgrounds. I have always wanted to do more, take more risks, be bold and say yes to opportunities, so you don't have to tell me twice to live life to the fullest, but I thought we could all do with a little reminder this month, at the end of the day that is what MilliOnAir is all about! About living the best life we can and share stories to inspire others to get their light bulb moment.

If you feel stuck or you need a bit of extra motivation, go spend time in a nursing home and ask the residents what they regret the most. I guarantee it will help you refocus and rethink where you are right now and where you want to be.

The one common regret elderly people have is the regret of not taking more chances. It could be a chance in love, a friendship, business, travel.... they simply regret not having done more. Although most of them are content with what they accomplished in life, there is always a ' I wish I had...'

So let's be the people who don't have that in our last chapter of life. Let's be those who people look up to and say.. ' wow, they did something in life, they went for it, etc '
