MilliOnAir Magazine January 2018 | Page 75

Let’s go back a few years when social media truly started booming and social media managers did not event exist in the capacity they do now. When I first started working in this crazy online world, there were a lot of PR firms and SEO companies who were not proficient on Social Media or other digital strategies and would hire consultants like myself to get the work done on 3rd party accounts and clients.

I have always made sure I tell anyone I work with that confidentiality is paramount in both ends so these boundaries are set from a very early point. Unfortunately not everyone does that and there are people out there who see a loophole because they never signed an NDA or confidentiality agreement so they feel they can sell out because technically they are not.

To me, once you enter into any relationship, unless it’s been spoken about on both parties, what’s said or done should always be kept private. There are times of course when we do public appearances with celebs or we attach our name to something because it’s already been agreed upon. But sometimes these hunts by newspapers and people’s willingness to get further in their careers by, let’s put it in simple terms “screw someone over” baffles me.

As mentioned, I have seen this happen many times even with people I know and although I always wonder why, I understand it’s part of life and it’s something that won’t stop anytime soon. I remember when I started to evolve and grow in my career in the digital world and people would use my name and fake testimonial on their websites. I used to get pretty mad about it, now I think it’s sad people have to fabricate testimonials or comments to get a story.

As human beings we strive to be people of good character and integrity but everyday we are tempted with choices that jeopardize that. It is up to us, as individuals to make the right choices and be happy with them.

I think nowadays we use the term “trust me” too loosely and people don’t mean it when they say it. Regaining trust is one of the hardest things to do in life, so before you break it, think twice about why you are doing it.

Live, laugh, be bold, take risks & be super mega awesome

Love Always

Elise Quevedo, aka The Digital Ghost Queen