MilliOnAir Magazine February 2017 | Page 53

LM: Do you have time to enjoy life with your busy schedule working all around the world?

TS: My motto is, of course I mix business and pleasure, life's to short not to. So even in a trying part of the planet, I'll still find a way to unwind and enjoy it the best I can. I've literally gone from ISIS front lines to a 5 star hotel in Tuscany and dinner at Andrea Bocelli's home. Diversity...

LM: Since we are #MixsonItUp, are there some questions that you have never been asked that you wish you had been?

TS: What's my favorite junk food?

Hot cheetos, definitely hot cheetos!

LM: We, the partners at #MilliOnAir, think it's time women ran the world .. what do you think?

TS: I think balance is always the way forward!

What more can I say? I've seen Tony at work and I find comfort in knowing he's a hero in perpetual motion making the world a safer, better place for my children. I couldn't ask for anything more. And in my most humble of opinions, Tony Schiena is a warrior who makes his Mother and God proud. Yes, pinch me! This man is real.

It is an honor to be his friend and have the privilege to share him with MilliOnAir and the world.



FOX News in New York

Within 1 mile, ISIS flag can be seen on the bottom. Photo taken by Tony through a lens. 30mins before, advisors took sniper fire for trying to snap a pic of the infamous ISIS flag.

Frontline base with head of Kurdish military intelligence and its base commander.

3 days later, Tony is shaking hands with Andrea Bocelli and his wife in Tuscany.