MilliOnAir Magazine Fashion Edit 2018 | Page 170


With a spine of rugged mountain peaks, a fringe of unforgettable beaches, plus a lavish food and wine culture, this wild French island appeals to travellers with a variety of pleasure-seeking interests.

When the Greeks first stumbled upon the precipitous island amid glistening blue seas, they called it Kallisté: the most beautiful. The great artist, Henry Matisse who grew up in North-Eastern France, was totally dazzled by the islands light. He said of this experience: “Everything glistens, everything is colour, everything is light.”

With eight days to explore L’Île de Beauté (the nickname given to the island, meaning the Isle of beauty) my agenda was a combination of exploring the finest beaches and coves from the highest Northern peak of Cap Corse right down to the southerly shores of Bonifacio, to over-indulging in fine and regional cuisine, local wines and exploring the red-roofed mountain villages and cobble-stoned old streets.


MilliOnAir | Travel

by Samantha Wilson

A mountainous Mediterranean island, presents a mix of stylish coastal towns, dense forest and craggy peaks (Monte Cinto is the highest). Nearly half the island falls within a park whose hiking trails include the challenging GR 20. Its beaches range from busy Pietracorbara to remote Saleccia and Rondinara. It's been part of France since 1768, but retains a distinct Italian culture.