MilliOnAir Magazine Fashion Edit 2018 | Page 138


What is the most positive piece of of advice you have been given - when, where and by whom....

We are all responsible for our own happiness. It is easy to point fingers and blame others for things not going our way, but if we really dive deep, we realize that it is always in our power to choose how we react and move forward no matter how negative the circumstances may seem. I am not sure exactly where this advice came from in my life. I just know that I seem to learn this lesson over and over again.

Do you get positivity from religion or spirituality....

Spirituality is something I have decided to keep very private.

How do you react positively to fear....

Anything that brings fear into your life is an opportunity for courage and growth. There is no such thing as courage without fear, and there is no way to grow without venturing into the unknown.

Who is the most positive person in your life....

I don’t think any one person can be the sole provider of positivity. We are all human. We all have good days and bad days. All of the friends and family I have already mentioned are constant sources of positivity at different times.

What is the key to you being resilient....

Having a support system of people who are honest with me and gentle with me when need be, are the foundation of my resilience. When I can be vulnerable and human and not my best self and still find support in those closest to me, it inspires me to be better and to overcome frustrating obstacles.

What is your inspirational catchphrase...

I’m not sure I have a catch phrase. I just constantly remind myself that no matter how tired or over extended I may feel, kindness is always the best way forward.

Where in the world are you in your most positive state...

Hiking. Hiking is where I think and recenter.

If you could be known for one positive achievement in your life what would it be....

In a dream world, I would be known for helping make the world a better place for people who feel misunderstood or misrepresented.

In what way have you felt loved in your life....

I feel the most loved when I feel truly understood. I have moments of that with my family, my friends, my colleagues, and occasionally with strangers. Sometimes love comes in the most unexpected places.