MilliOnAir Magazine Fashion Edit 2018 | Page 120


Yoga means union, body and mind. The breath is the key separating it from exercise. Traditionally Indian schools and families practice yoga in the mornings before the children sit for class with the idea to work the body with the breath to focus the mind which allows the body to rest and focus on the mental task to follow whether it is meditation or classes.

For many of us the instinctive belly breathing that is seen in new born babies whereby the belies rise when they breathe in is no longer. We have become shallow or thoracic breathers. We take less air in and don’t fill the lungs. In the west a flat stomach is considered attractive so the stomach muscles are tightened not allowing the full breath. Simply wearing tight jeans could be linked to the time when we changed our breathing pattern. Our lungs do not get enough oxygenated air and the bottom of the lungs do not receive what they require putting the body into a stressful state and over time this makes stress a habitual bodily state and in some of us this can result in Panic attacks.

It is all in the science and studies have shown a one day breathing exercise relieved the emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation induced by job burnout, Currently breathing exercise is used in treatment for PTSD and other stress -related emotional disorders. Belly breathing is known to lower heartbeat and stabilise blood pressure and moving the nervous system into its rest and digest mode thus reducing stress and as a result can improve sleep.

The key is to ensure you find a class that suits your level of fitness with a teacher who focuses on breath to maximise results and enjoy a more peaceful state of mind.

Bridget Hancock BSc in Pharmacology and Physiology Yoga teacher and currently studying Naturopathic Nutrition will be holding the next retreat

25th-30th Sept in Mykonos