MilliOnAir Magazine December 2017 | Page 130



Dear Astrology friends we have the planet Mercury going backwards in the sky from 3rd to 23rd December and as a result communication, scheduling, transportation and judgment becomes cloudy or error prone. On a personal level you can do a lot in order to avoid the consequences of this. Most of us encounter any consequences when we are not centred, aware or conscious of what is going on around us, and more often than not the culprit is that we are not acting from our heart. This could prove difficult to stay on track with as there is Christmas to deal with and we be rushing around more than usual as well as carrying on with our everyday lives… try to stay mindful this month.

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Dear Aries it all seems to be quite hard work at the beginning of December. Your career appears to require your full mental focus and work issues need some care and attention. You could struggle with getting your point across to your colleagues who you feel are not taking you very seriously.

Words are still not enough by the full moon on the 3rd December and there still seems to be so many demands on you at this time not just at work but in your personal life too. You would like to have more energy for your primary relationship yet you feel pulled in two different directions.

This has certainly been a month of reflection for you by the new moon on the 18th December in particular your life direction. You may have been forced to look at your life through a telescope and can see the changes you require. Fortunately your relationship now looks on smoother ground.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

Dear Taurus this is your time to shine and take life by the hand by the start of December. Transformation is all around you this month as is a need to shake up your lifestyle you may have been procrastinating too long. Change is not easy for you and are feeling very emotional as a result.

Your finances will need to be looked at by the full moon on the 3rd December as part of your overhaul process and would appear to be long overdue. Money and investments require some careful handling with some loans and restructuring needed to clear any debts.

You may still be working through some financial issues by the new moon on the 18th November and it would be prudent to not sign any paperwork until after the 23rd December. Make time now to spend some time with friends and enjoy some social occasions by the month end.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Dear Gemini your reaction to others seems to be at the forefront at the beginning of December particularly in regard to your friends and any children. You may not be quite so willing to put up with unnecessary demands on you any longer and to be at their beck and call for when they see fit.

Emotions are heightened by the full moon on the 3rd December and there may be some cross words with your learning to assert yourself in a positive way. You will see that this is very much needed so that you can go forward with a new found confidence and self-respect.

This momentum may be carried into your work life by the new moon on the 18th December as you can see necessary growth and expansion in this area of your life too. It may be better to wait for a better conditions before voicing your needs ponder about what you need to say until after the 23rd.