MilliOnAir Magazine December 2016 | Page 77


Lessons to Learn:

Women face a higher amount of obstacles on Wall Street, but persistence is the key to overcome the imbalance.

Women have to work harder to command attention in the boardroom, and should do so by being assertive and not being afraid to voice their thoughts and opinions.

If people are being disrespectful, then call them on it. Be strong and focus on the job that needs to get done.

With such a powerful and insightful start to the interview, I had almost forgotten that we were waiting for her business partner, Shinta to join on via conference call from Jakarta, Indonesia.

Shinta Dhanuwardoyo w/ Mark Zuckerberg


Writer, communication strategist, and speaker. As seen in Fortune, Inc., Entrepreneur, Huff Post, Richtopia TechDayNews, Expert DOJO, Toastmasters, TEDx, and more.