MilliOnAir Magazine Dec 2018 - Jan 2019 | Page 201

What do you prefer? Recording or touring/performing?

I used to hate recording. I saw it as a quite intense and intimidating process. It requires you to be naked in a way, strip back and work forwards. Where as performing is slightly different to that. More of the illusion is required all at once. I’ve now grown to love all aspects if I’m honest, for varying reasons. I like the idea of watching something grow from nothing in the studio, from paper to then hearing it through speakers.

I will always love performing, as I grow, my ideas around it also develop. I am aware of the massive effects music has on people, the power of transformation, and not just for the performer. The ability music has to join a mass of individuals to a similar wave length fascinates me. (more on that in later books) :)

What’s currently on the agenda/ what direction are you headed in?

More Jenna Jones work, the big picture of ultimately being on a platform to join all my passions together and express it in musical form!

I’m writing and recording more of my own stuff now, working with various producers, choreographers, and creatives in general. My visual identify is growing, and my own input in how I translate my inner world is imperative! So in a way I’m creating my visions through a variety of mediums these days, and exploring the art of expression in both the visual and the audio.

I think I always knew the intention was never to be solely a musician in someone else's band, as I’ve grown, I’ve realised I need to have a large amount of the control in what I do, mainly because I see it in my mind, so inevitably I need to get it out there!

Most shoots I work on I have a strong aesthetic idea of how I want it before I get others involved, the same with my ideas around movement and storytelling via mini movies or visuals. I see it all as one big package, and one aspect as integral as the other, so i’ve accepted I can’t pick just one avenue. It’s a fascinating idea to me, that I can develop myself however I choose, in whatever form, and my ideas are a plenty :)
