MilliOnAir Magazine Dec 2018 - Jan 2019 | Page 138


If you could sit down with four positive people who would they be and what qualities would they bring....

Number one has to be, Richard Branson, I have admired him since I can remember, I wrote to him when I was about fourteen telling him how much I admired him and saying one day I would love to work as a Virgin Air Hostess, he did write back to me thanking me (I lost the letter!), and I never made it as an air hostess! I follow him on Linkedin and read all his posts which inspire me everyday. ( I should write to him again and ask him if I can interview him!).

Life coach Tony Robbins who we got to interview for this very page #POSITIVITY, he just makes complete sense to me, I feel like I am in tune with everything that comes out of his mind. Actor and artist Anthony Hopkins who I met in LA a couple of years ago, he was the sweetest nicest person, he is a truly talented actor and I absolutely love his art. Gary Vaynerchuck entrepreneur, author, speaker and internet personality. He does it right for me every time, he taught me most of what I know now on how to 'be' on social media. Here is a great quote that popped up today from him; ''Your Grandparents went through war and the depression and now you are crying because you don't have 1,000 followers? Get the f*ck out of here.''

Oprah Winfrey Simply through being compassionate, caring and charitable, her ability to emotionally connect with people. She shares her wealth with those who need it most, having personally donated over $300 million to charitable causes. Oprah's wealth and fame is certainly no accident, as she believes that luck is simply "preparation meeting opportunity".

There are more than this but these people all bring with them a sense of self, understanding, wisdom, insight and observation of self and an openness to possibility and positivity for various reasons.

What is the most positive piece of of advice you have been given - when, where and by whom....

Actually a quote from a movie called Shadowlands a true story about C. S. Lewis with Anthony Hopkins, I am not sure if it is a quote written into the movie or if it is actually a C.S Lewis quote

You know, I don't want to be somewhere else anymore.

I'm not waiting for anything new to happen...

not looking around the next corner and over the next hill.

I'm here now. That's enough.

This sums me up right now, after years of running away, or searching for something new, I am where I want to be and I am truly happy with myself and what I am creating.