MilliOnAir Magazine Dec 2018 - Jan 2019 | Page 126


Everyone is talking about stem cells. Please can you explain to me how it can be used in aesthetics? I have read that you can actually use it instead of fillers and that it is even more effective? 

Diane Peters, Hammersmith 


Diane, stem cells are cells that if put, or injected, into any tissue in the body will adjust and convert into the specific tissue of the injected body part. Since they are "new" cells, they regenerate the tissues in the injected areas. Stem cells can be found in the blood, but they are found in abundance in fat tissue. We are excited to be able to let you know that we are pioneering this method here in the UK, within the field of aesthetic medicine. During this procedure, our doctor will extract fat cells from the tummy, after which they are specially filtered and put into syringes, and then re-injected into the face. The results are stunning, adding instant volume to facial structures and providing long-lasting rejuvenation. The results look certainly more natural than filler and last much longer too.

 I love your column and plan to come and see you in the New Year. My boyfriend would like to come too after seeing the hair therapy you offer. Can you tell me if it is very expensive and is it effective for everyone? He is receding a bit and also going thin at the crown.

Adelle Parker, Manchester



Adele, the treatment we offer for hair loss is based on stem cells. We take pieces of tissue from those areas of the scalp where hair is abundant, usually at the back. These pieces of tissue are then "cut down " into thousands of tiny fragments. These fragments contain vital stem cells that are injected into the scalp in the areas where hair is thinning. It is effective for both men and women and the results can be seen within 2-3 months. 


 I had a bad accident earlier this year and it has left me with some unpleasant scars. I dream of starting the new year free of scars. My beautician suggested Bio Oil and some other treatments but they have not really filled the area. Is there anything you can suggest that might help? 

 Pauline Harper, Hull 


Pauline, I am sorry to hear about your problem. Scars as a result of accidents can be very troublesome and difficult to treat. Depending on the type of the scar, we can offer treatment with soft surgery such as plexR. This is an innovative plasma technology that eliminates excess skin and smooths out the surface of the skin. Even if your scars don’t disappear completely, they will be considerably reduced. In addition, if your injuries led to scarring that have caused dents in your face, these can be treated with filler to smooth them over. We can also reduce fine, or smaller, scarring by using chemical peels. In summary there are multiple options