MilliOnAir Magazine Dec 2018 - Jan 2019 | Page 120


Our minerals and vitamins are absorbed in the small intestine so it is vital we keep stimulants that rush this process separate and therefore coffee should be kept at least an hour either side of taking any vitamins and eating.

Despite our fears fats are our friends. Fats keep the cell membranes soft to absorb the water we drink and some vitamins, keeping our skin supple and nourished and so we need to embrace the good fats and ensure we include Almonds, Olive oil, Avocado, Mackerel, Sardines or Wild Salmon.

Detoxification occurs in our Liver and this is where we need to step up and support it which we can do by simply adding 500g of cruciferous vegetables a week. (Rocket 1 bag 70-100g ,1 head of Broccoli is 350g, 1 bag Kale is 500g or brussel sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower )

After the liver has done all the work, packaging up the toxins, excess oestrogen and harmful chemicals, we require daily bowel movements to remove the waste so it isn’t reabsorbed back into our body.

Therefore we should drink 2 litres of filtered water spread out daily and eat 30g of fibre for women or 35grams for men daily to make enough bulk to signal the walls to expel the waste. (Try 100g black beans for 10g or fibre and 10g protein).

Add some fruit, whole grains, nuts, seeds and fats as part of your three meals a day and give your body a rest from digestion in between.

Finally Vitamin D is essential to boost our immune system and is available from sunlight so winter supplementation in the northern hemisphere is recommended. Insufficiency has been associated with higher rates of cancers including colon prostate and breast cancer, so it is worth checking.

With a little mindfulness and self love our bodies will carry us through to party and live a full and vibrant life.

Bridget Hancock BSc Pharmacology Physiology,Yoga teacher and currently in her final year of Naturopathic Nutrition will be hosting the next retreat 29th May-2nd June Mykonos