MilliOnAir Magazine Dec 2018 - Jan 2019 | Page 119



Rushing, snacking, smoking, drinking, popping uppers downers, not hitting the gym and relying on early Sunday nights to recover before we start all over again. Add in the exposure to chemicals in our food, pollutants in the air and toxins we handle and yet despite it all, the body is capable of healing itself provided we pay a little attention and give it the right nutrients to fulfil its role to support the body in its attempt to clean our mess and avoid long term damage.

Furthermore recent research has proven over 80% of Serotonin and Dopamine, our feel good chemicals are made in the Digestive tract so it is vital we eat ourselves happy.

Firstly we need to be mindful about eating, and take the time to chew our food until its a liquid. Eating on the run, whilst talking or catching up on social media and simply chewing enough to make food small enough to swallow means the body hasn’t time to prepare and produce the juices we need to break down it down on arrival at the stomach and as a result we feel full, bloated and uncomfortable.

Protein is our best friend but not necessarily in huge amounts unless we are specifically building muscle. Protein is broken down to amino acids which run our body at the cellular level and we require roughly 1g per kilo body weight ( 0.83g-1g) daily. If you weigh 60kgs about 50-60 grams a day is a guide. (1chicken breast or a salmon fillet is 26g, 2 eggs is 12g, 2 tbs of hemp seeds is 20g or 1 cup cooked quinoa is 8g) Eating at least 10grams of protein at every meal will stimulate those gastric juices reducing bloating and the workload on our system.

Drinking water at meal times also dilute these gastric juices slowing down digestion so drinking is best 20 minutes before or an hour after eating.

any of us are rushed in our lives buying pre made foods, reaching for coffee to wake up, wine to unwind, and partying in between.