MilliOnAir Magazine August 2018 | Page 44

How do you react positively to fear....

BE grateful. You can’t be grateful and fearful simultaneously. In a state of gratitude, real gratitude, deep spiritual, emotional, physical and soul-level appreciation, there is no fear. When you're grateful, lack disappears. When you're grateful, self-significance disappears. Gratitude is truly the antidote to so many disempowering emotions. I have a 10 minute daily ritual, called priming, that keeps me in a state of gratitude. I think of three specific situations that I’m grateful for— little ones and big ones. I step into those moments and I feel the aliveness of them. Then I do a three-minute blessing and a prayer of thanksgiving for my health and for all the people in my life followed by three minutes of what I call “3 to thrive” where I focus on three results that I want to accomplish. I see them, feel them, and experience them as if they are already done, and I feel grateful for them. I do this each morning to change my physical state, and with it, my state of mind. It’s from this place that I’m able to truly appreciate and grow and respond to life instead of react to situations.of footwear talent.

Who is the most positive person in your life....

THAT'S a tough question to answer, because there are so many! The people I choose to surround myself with - my wife, my family, my team that supports me, my friends – are all people that make a conscious choice to live in a beautiful state of gratitude for each and every day of life.

What is the key to you being resilient....

THE key to being resilient is learning how to use pain instead of having pain use you. If you do that, you’re in control. I’ve suffered a ton throughout my 58 years on the planet. Growing up, my mother was addicted to alcohol and prescription drugs. She also was abusive and would smash my head into a wall or fill my mouth with liquid soap until I threw-up because she thought I was acting out of line. But I have never blamed my mother for anything that’s been wrong in my life. Instead I blame her effectively for all of the beauty in my life. I blame her for having the incredible woman I have in my life today, my wife Sage, because I know what the opposite is. I blame her for the capacity to feel and care. If you’re going to blame people for being all bad, you better blame them for all the good too. Life is not so simple and black and white. The truth is if my mother had been the mother I hoped for, I wouldn’t be the man I am proud to be today.