MilliOnAir Magazine August 2018 | Page 27

Don't fast more than twice a week and do stick at it for at least two months for lasting results. Think of it as a healthy way of living rather than a diet.

Self-discipline is needed at the beginning but this is a gift you are giving yourself.

Take time to do things you like to do. You will have some free time when you're not eating, including the time of preparing and cleaning up afterwards. Of course if you have children maybe you can invite them into helping you make dinner and turn it into a family time pleasure. Catch up on some reading, meditate, go for a stroll in a park, have a long soak in the bath or do the IF with a friend or partner.

Enjoy today, enjoy the now and see you next month...Best wishes Heather

eat slowly

eat whole unprocessed foods

No junk food
