MilliOnAir Magazine August 2017 | Page 124



A quick word from MilliOnAir astrologer Lisa K Mellman

The month of August will not be one to make any rushed decisions or sign contracts this is due to the planet Mercury, the planet of communications in a tricky aspect to the planet Neptune this can make things unclear and confused. In addition Mercury then goes backwards in the sky, also known as retrograde, from the 13th August until it goes direct again on the 6th September. Therefore hold off on signing any contracts or making firm commitments until the 7th September.

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Dear Taurus what are your hopes, dreams and wishes? This is the question at the beginning of August. There is no better time to start any communications surrounding this as you will be at your most inventive your mind is working beautifully and the words just flow.

The full moon of the 7th August will be an important date for you there may be some big disruptions yet necessary changes are being made. You are still not clear on the finer details but there is an instinct that everything is on the right track. Go with it and see what happens next.

A home loan may be needed come the new moon on the 21st August this will help with your plans but do not complete this until after the 7th September. There is also a career issue to resolve but there is now going back and once this is sorted it will have a powerful and transformative effect.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

Dear Taurus there could be a preoccupation with your own or a female who is very close to your heart’s health as this month begins. This could alter your daily commitments as you reassess your priorities. There may be lots of short trips associated with this and a need for you to do some research and communicate what you find. You need to trust your feelings and be assertive in this regard.

The need for greater clarity is required by the full moon on the 9th July you may feel intensely about a situation and are required to balance the pros and cons. You may need to get any strong feelings under control as this could increase the likelihood of cloudy thinking and the likelihood of accidents and risk taking. Whatever occurs now has a transformative effect on you.

It is all about home and family by the new moon on the 23rd July your place of residence could be going through some change. A move or renovation could well be on the cards. As well as the comings and goings of family members. It may require some time for you to feel comfortable with these changes.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Dear Gemini there may be a reality check needed at the beginning of August. The time has come to have that important conversation with your partner you may be putting it off but can no longer. You are feeling emotional and highly sensitive so this brings it all out in the open sooner than planned.

Communication is still the key by the full moon on the 7th August and some cross words may be spoken. However you are now feeling more valued and your sense of self- respect has grown as a consequence. Fun is now the order of the day make sure you have some much needed light relief.

You could look back at this month and realise it was a turning point although things are not fully resolved by the new moon on the 21st August. There is a sense of waiting to see how the dust settles before making any further moves. All is still not fully clear so it is prudent to wait.