Millburn-Short Hills Magazine Spring 2019 | Page 24

Submit your ideas for neighbors neighbors to: [email protected] 5 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT Dr. Clifford Sales Overlook hospital surgeon introduces students to world of medicine WRITTEN BY OWEN PROCTOR M atch Day, when the National Resident Matching Program announces where gradu- ating medical students will spend their resi- dency or fellowship training, is March 15. Dr. Clifford Sales is likely to hear from a few of those students — the ones who par- ticipated in the Overlook Summer Internship Program, which he oversees at Overlook Medical Center, part of the Atlantic Health System, in Summit. 22 SPRING 2019 MILLBURN & SHORT HILLS MAGAZINE The Short Hills resident and his wife, Cathy, were out one weekend with friends, who lamented that their son had no opportunities to learn about the medical field. The following Monday, Sales proposed the college internship program at Overlook, where he has been a vascular surgeon since 1993. The response was a resounding “yes,” he said. Launched in 2010, this June’s session marks the program’s tenth anniversary. THE DOCTOR IS IN Overlook Hospital surgeon Dr. Clifford Sales launched and oversees the Overlook Summer Internship Program, now marking its tenth anniversary.