Editor ’ s Note
Spring is finally here ! The leaves of the trees are green , the daffodils and forsythia are blooming , and the air is filled with the sweet smell of blossoms , freshly mown grass and ( if you suffer from allergies ), allergens . Does the warm weather make you want to head outside ? We hope so , because this is our Health and Fitness issue and many of the stories are about the pleasures of being outdoors .
We have astory about the town ’ s high-spirited women ’ ssoftball league and profile three gifted student athletes who are taking their skills to college . We ’ ve also got aprimer on how to get your own ( middle aged ) game on with the help of agroup of fitness experts . We have agorgeous story about the history and pastoral pleasuresofGREENWOOD
GARDENS , asuburban sanctuary right off Old Short Hills Road . We also feature some “ inside ” stories . Check out our profile of LILYBRAHMS , model , actress and Millburn High School student , and our feature on the newly restored Hartshorn house owned by Debra Nevas and Jonathan Abrams . If you ’ re hungry , read the piece on SUMMIT HOUSE , the new , chic restaurant in Summit , which sits atop acentury-old indoor pool , and was once the home of the Summit YMCA . And don ’ tforget , Mother ’ s Day is coming May 14 . Check out our Style pages for chic and thoughtful gift ideas for the maternal women in your life .
On apersonal note , let me say goodbye , at least for now . I ’ m leaving the magazine to work on abook proposal and will continue teaching writing workshops . You can follow meonFacebook and Instagram @ laurazinnfromm , or go to my website , laurazinnfromm . com . It ’ s been agreat pleasure editing the magazine this past year and Ilook forward toseeing you in and around town ! If you have news toshare for future issues , please email them to Millburn @ northjersey . com . ■ All best ,
Laura Zinn Fromm