Millburn-Short Hills Magazine Fall 2018 | Page 46

THE LEVYS AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY Diana Levy poses with her husband, Michael, in their 12,000-square-foot manufacturing facility in East Hanover. Recipe for a successful small business Production became the biggest issue for Levy. She’d been a stay-at- home mom and worked in broad- cast, PR and on political campaigns. Through it all, she was driven by the dream of owning a small business, 44 FALL 2018 MILLBURN & SHORT HILLS MAGAZINE “IT’S MORE ABOUT BALANCE…I’M NOT A HEALTH NUT…IT’S JUST A BETTER- — DIANA LEVY FOR-YOU PRODUCT.” and with the help of her husband, Michael, who runs a merchant bank- ing firm and had been working with food companies for 30 years, plus some chocolate and confec- tion classes, Levy managed to get Undercover Chocolate Co. off the ground. Undercover Chocolate Co. is the name of her larger company that produces the product Undercover Quinoa. The company started out in a rented commercial kitchen, then moved on to its own 2,500-square- foot space, and now operates out of a 12,000-square-foot kitchen in East Hanover, with the capacity to pro- duce 30,000 bags a day. Current flavors include milk choc- olate, dark chocolate and blueberries (which are sweetened with apple juice), dark chocolate and sea salt (Levy’s bestseller), dark chocolate and seeds, and milk chocolate and currants. These flavors can be found in select Whole Foods, Bed Bath & Beyond, Kings Food Markets and specialty grocery stores. Undercover Quinoa may be pricier and harder to find than a typical bag of Halloween candy, but Levy says the benefits are worth it. “For some reason chocolate is important to me,” she says. “I’m taking something and keeping it super satisfying, just with better quality ingredients.” ■ layered it with high-quality milk and dark chocolate. Soon after she began this venture, two of her daughters were diagnosed with celiac disease. Gluten was now off the table for her girls, and it just so happened that the Undercover Quinoa she was developing was gluten-free. “When I started the choc- olate business, I wasn’t looking for a gluten-free product, just a lighter product that used premium chocolate over simple, healthy ingredients,” she says. “When my two daughters were diagnosed, that’s when I really zeroed in on it. It became incredibly impor- tant going forward that all my future products be gluten-free.”