Millburn-Short Hills Magazine Back to School 2020 | Page 10

recipes CHEF DAVID BURKE DO TRY THIS AT HOME Celebritychef DavidBurke—the culinary director at Son Cubano in WestNew York and Ventanas in FortLee and the chef-owner at David Burke Orange Lawn in South Orange andDrifthouse by David Burke in Sea Bright —shares his signature recipes TOMATO &WATERMELON GAZPACHO WITH SHRIMP SKEWERS “Cumin has an interesting fresh aroma,” says Burke. “And... we added smoked paprika for another layer of flavor. Then, a fruit like watermelon to make it refreshing and for a little sweetness... (and) a bit of a kick with cayenne pepper.” INGREDIENTS(SHRIMP SKEWERS) 12 large shrimp peeled and deveined with the tail removed 1tablespoonchives Large slices of avocado Cherry tomato Red pepper INGREDIENTS(GAZPACHO) 5 large ripe tomatoes, quartered ½cucumber, peeled, seeded, chopped ½ red bell pepper, chopped 3 cups cubed watermelon 2 cloves garlic 2 tablespoons coarse or kosher salt 2 teaspoons freshly ground pepper 1teaspooncayennepepper ½ cup oliveoil ¼ cup sherry vinegar 2 tablespoons quality mayonnaise, like Hellmann’s 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 tablespoon smoked paprika Three thin slices of cucumber INSTRUCTIONS First, shrimp should be poached in salted water for five minutes, then shocked in ice water. Assemble on a skewer in order: shrimp, avocado, pepper, cherry tomato. For the gazpacho, place all ingredients in a food processor and process until it’s finely pureed. Depending on the size of your processor, you may have to do this in two or more steps. Reserve. To assemble, place the skewer over gazpacho on the edges of the bowl. Place cucumber slices on top. Sprinkle chives over the skewer. CLOTHESLINE BACON “The dish is a delicious melding of flavors and textures,” says Burke. “The bacon is crunchy, salty, sweet, spicy and savory.” INGREDIENTS 12 slices bacon, cut ¾-inch thick 1 ¼ cup pure maple syrup 2tablespoonsfresh lemonjuice 2tablespoonsfresh orange juice 1 tablespoon orange zest 3 tablespoons coarsely ground black pepper 1 tablespoon mustard powder 3 tablespoons Dijon mustard INSTRUCTIONS Heat oven to 350°F.Combine all the ingredients except the bacon in a medium saucepan and cook for 30 minutes over medium heat. Cook the bacon on awire rack over a rimmed baking sheet for 15 minutes. Using a pastry brush, paint the reduced glaze on the bacon one side at a time. Place it back in oven, flippingover and then glazing the opposite side every 10 minutes until golden brown. Serve immediately. BURKE: COURTESY OFFRONT OFHOUSE; GAZPACHO: COURTESY OFDAVID BURKE ORANGE LAWN 8 BACK TOSCHOOL 2020 MILLBURN &SHORT HILLS MAGAZINE