Millburn-Short Hills Magazine Back-to-School 2019 | Page 18

neighbors Submit your ideas for neighbors to: [email protected] 7 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT Pamela Kruger Millburn resident is VP at Catalyst, supporting women in the workplace WRITTEN BY SWAPNA VENUGOPAL SHE DISCOVERED MILLBURN THROUGH THE NEW YORK TIMES. Kruger grew up on Long Island. The family moved to Millburn for its easy access to Manhattan by train and its good schools. “I had read an article in The New York Times about how great the schools were — it turned out the resident featured became a good friend of mine,” she says. HER FAVORITE SPOT IN TOWN IS SOUTH MOUNTAIN RESERVATION. Extending through the municipalities of West Orange, Maplewood and Millburn, the 2,112 acre nature reserve is part of the Essex County Park System. “We’ve spent many weekends there — biking, hiking and walking,” she says. “It was definitely one of the draws to the area. Even so, we have ended up enjoying it and using it far more than we imagined.” SHE BELIEVES LARGE COMPANIES CAN ADVANCE GENDER EQUALITY. As part of its mission, Catalyst, founded in 1957, works with leaders of some of the biggest companies in the world to develop workplac- es that work for women. For example, one program focuses on making men champions of gender equal- ity; another initiative prepares and helps women gain positions on leading corporate and nonprofit boards. “We live in a fractured time, where governments seem dysfunctional,” she says. “We are more divided than ever. These large companies, which employ many thousands of people, have the potential to advance gender equality and make real change.” 16 BACK TO SCHOOL 2019 MILLBURN & SHORT HILLS MAGAZINE Pamela Kruger is vice president of content and digital at Catalyst, a global nonprofit devoted to advancing women in the workplace. She and her husband, David, whom she met while studying at the University of Pennsylvania, raised their two daughters in Millburn. Emily is a 2018 graduate of Vassar College, and Annie is an incoming freshman to Muhlenberg.